We advocate for the education and well-being of every child attending Arlington Public Schools
February 26 Event "Break The Cycle" on Generational Trauma
How To Support Families Presentation
Make a donation to our grant fund!
Delegates can request access to the listserv and our Groups.io platform
Check us out on Facebook and Twitter
Per our bylaws, CCPTA meetings are open to delegates from PTA local units and CCPTA executive board invitees only.
2024-2025 Meeting Schedule
Upcoming meetings will be held via Zoom @ 7 p.m. on:
Tues. July 9
*in-person social* Wed. Aug. 28, location TBD
Wed. Sept. 18
Wed. Oct. 16
Wed. Nov. 13
Wed. Dec. 11
Wed. Jan 15
Wed. Feb. 19
Wed. Mar. 19
Thurs. Apr. 23
Wed. May 21
Please note that as a policy, we do not promote unsolicited announcements / opportunities to our members from anyone other than APS or Arlington County. If you would like to get information out to Arlington parents about your organization or event, you can contact local PTAs or we recommend APS's Peachjar:
Our membership represents 35 Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs) and Parent Teacher Student Associations (PTSAs) from across Arlington.
The CCPTA serves as the collective representative voice for all APS PTAs/PTSAs. We advocate on their behalf to the Arlington School Board, Arlington County Board, and APS Superintendent and senior staff.
We educate the leaders of our member PTAs/PTSAs and serve as a resource so they can be effective advocates for their respective school communities.
We engage our member PTAs/PTSAs and encourage participation so that our voice is strong and representative of the county as a whole.
We sponsor the CCPTA Grant Fund, established in 2015, which provides targeted financial grants to those Arlington public schools in need of funding to accomplish specific, limited goals not otherwise funded by county or private sources.
We encourage individual PTAs/PTSAs to raise issues with potential relevance to the greater Arlington school community, so they can be discussed, amplified, and elevated to a countywide voice.
The CCPTA is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and is not controlled by, nor does it work for, APS or any other entity. Each APS PTA/PTSA is equally as independent from its associated school and community, collaborating as a partner in advocating for the students in that school.
The CCPTA is an affiliate of the National PTA of the United States and participates in the work of the Virginia PTA Association to help ensure high-quality public education for all children.