We advocate for the education and well-being of every child attending Arlington Public Schools 

February 26 Event "Break The Cycle" on Generational Trauma

How To Support Families Presentation

Make a donation to our grant fund!

Members can pay dues 

Delegates can request access to the listserv and our Groups.io platform

Check us out on Facebook and Twitter

Contact Us

Per our bylaws, CCPTA meetings are open to delegates from PTA local units and CCPTA executive board invitees only. 

2024-2025 Meeting Schedule

Upcoming meetings will be held via Zoom @ 7 p.m. on:

Tues. July 9

*in-person social* Wed. Aug. 28, location TBD 

Wed. Sept. 18

Wed. Oct. 16

Wed. Nov. 13

Wed. Dec. 11

Wed. Jan 15

Wed. Feb. 19

Wed. Mar. 19

Thurs. Apr. 23

Wed. May 21

Please note that as a policy, we do not promote unsolicited announcements / opportunities to our members from anyone other than APS or Arlington County. If you would like to get information out to Arlington parents about your organization or event, you can contact local PTAs or we recommend APS's Peachjar: 


Our membership represents 35 Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs) and Parent Teacher Student Associations (PTSAs) from across Arlington.