Grant Fund Impact Reports

Fall 2024 Applications

School(s)/Amount Requested/Purpose/Date Submitted

Abingdon  /  $500.00  /  Hispanic Heritage Month  /  September 24, 2024

Abingdon requested funding to purchase games, food, speakers, and exhibits for their Hispanic Heritage Month celebrations.  

Request Not Granted. While the Grant Fund Committee is appreciative of the importance of cultural celebration events, the lack of detail provided in this proposal limits our ability to approve funding for it. 

Abingdon  /  $8,000.00  /  4th grade field trip to Jamestown    /  September 24, 2024

Abingdon requested funds to cover the transportation and entrance fee costs for a 4th grade field trip to Jamestown.

Request Not Granted. Due to the volume of grant requests this period, the grant committee voted against an application that was very similar to previously funded grants. A field trip to Jamestown was funded by CCPTA in spring 2019.  As a part of CCPTA Grant Funding guidelines, CCPTA does not fund "projects that include a recurring cost year-over-year, unless the requester can demonstrate how the school or PTA will sustain funding beyond the initial request.

Abingdon  /  $1,125.00  /  Field Trip to Huntley Meadows  /  September 24, 2024

Abingdon sought grant funding for a kindergarten field trip to Huntley Meadows, where students will learn about plant and animal needs and life cycles through observation of trees, plants, and insects. The program will include a presentation, a guided walk through forest and wetland habitats, and hands-on activities to help students explore ecosystem connections.

Request Not Granted. Due to the volume of grant requests this period, the grant committee voted to prioritize field trip funding for grades 3-12. 

Ashlawn  /  $825.00  /  Learning for Conceptual Understanding  /  September 24, 2024

Ashlawn requested funding to participate in the workshop "Learning and Teaching for Conceptual Understanding," which aims to enhance teachers' and students' conceptual understanding, support critical thinking for English Language Learners, and provide tools for applying knowledge creatively across various contexts.

Granted Full Amount Requested:  $825.00

Arlington Traditional  /  $999.00  /  STEM Day Guest Speaker  /  September 24, 2024

Arlington Traditional School requested grant funding for a schoolwide presentation by Prismatic Magic during STEM Day in March, featuring their program "Prismatica," which combines exciting laser music videos, popular songs, and interactive carnival-themed laser games. 

Request Not Granted. While CCPTA appreciates the aim of building community, peer relationships, and school pride, the committee prefers to use funds for items or events that have a direct academic or curricular impact.

Arlington Traditional  /  $2,963.76  /  Microphones for School Music Dept.  /  September 24, 2024

Arlington Traditional school requested grant funding to purchase four additional microphones for the music department, building on last year's ATS PTA support for two speakers and two microphones for school assemblies.

Request Not Granted. The Grant Fund Committee determined it could not fund the request as it pertains to items that should be funded or provided by APS. The committee also determined that there were more cost-effective options available.

Arlington Traditional  /  $1,404.00  /  Field Trip to Children's Science Lab  /  September 24, 2024

Arlington Traditional school requested funding for a kindergarten field trip to the Children’s Science Lab. 

Request Not Granted. Due to the volume of grant requests this period, the grant committee voted to prioritize field trip funding for grades 3-12. 

Arlington Traditional  /  $325.00  /  Field Trip to National Zoo  /  September 24, 2024

Arlington Traditional School requested funds for a Kindergarten field trip to the National Zoo.

Request Not Granted. Due to the volume of grant requests this period, the grant committee voted to prioritize field trip funding for grades 3-12. 

Barcroft  /  $55.00  /  Bookbuilder Subscription  /  September 24, 2024

Barcroft requested funding for a Bookbuilders subscription.  

Request Not Granted. Due to the volume of requests, the committee declined to fund items that are single-use, gifts, or those that become property of the student.

Barrett  /  $800.00  / Pre-K at the National Zoo  /  September 24, 2024

Barrett requested funding for a Pre-K field trip to the National Zoo.

Request Not Granted. Due to the volume of grant requests this period, the grant committee voted to prioritize field trip funding for grades 3-12. 

Campbell  /  $900.00  /  Travel Easels for Outdoor Artmaking  /  September 24, 2024

Campbell requested grant funding to purchase 16 standing tripod easels with lightweight paint mixing tables for 5th grade students participating in the "X-Art" elective, which focuses on studying and documenting their changing school landscape through various art forms.

Granted Full Amount Requested:  $900.00

Campbell  /  $300.00  / Book Monsters  /  September 24, 2024

Campbell requested funding to purchase additional books for their looped 2nd and 3rd grade classrooms, who have nearly exhausted the classroom library by the time they loop to 3rd grade.

Request Not Granted. Due to the availability of lower-cost alternatives such as trading books or class libraries with another class to address this need, the committee declined to fund this request.

Campbell  /  $2,000.00  /  Robots & Coding: 5th Grade STEAM  /  September 24, 2024

Campbell requested funding to purchase Makeblock mBot2 STEM Education Coding Robot Kits for 5th Grade Tech Explorers, promoting hands-on learning in coding, robotics, and artificial intelligence. 

Granted Full Amount Requested:  $2,000.00

Campbell  /  $2,084.50  /  STEM in the Library  /  September 24, 2024

Campbell Elementary Library requested funds to support STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education, specifically in the school library.

Granted Full Amount Requested:  $2,084.50

Campbell  /  $1,600.00  /  Outdoor classroom enrichment project supplies  /  September 24, 2024

Campell requested funding to acquire the supplies needed to provide all Campbell students access to enriched educational experiences in its outdoor classroom.  These include several long-term student projects, like nature journaling and the development of a garden watering system. 

Request Partially Granted:  $1,200.00.  The Grant Fund Committee was able to source journals at a reduced cost.

Carlin Springs  /  $203.99  /  PTA Large Banner  /  September 24, 2024

Carlin Springs sought funding to purchase a large vinyl banner that will welcome families to school events at the school, which serves a diverse community with families from over 35 countries. Featuring "Welcome" in multiple languages along with the PTA and school logos, the banner aims to foster an inclusive environment.

Granted Full Amount Requested:  $203.99

Carlin Springs  /  $1,000.00  /  Girls on the Run Transportation  /  September 24, 2024

Carlin Springs requested funding to secure transportation to and from the fall Girls on the Run race.  The application noted that APS transportation is not an option as the bus is unavailable during the times required to make the race.

Granted Full Amount Requested:  $1,000.00

Carlin Springs  /  $488.00  /  Cardinal School Mascot  /  September 24, 2024

Carlin Springs Elementary requested to purchase a Cardinal Bird mascot to build excitement around its school community and identity in order to address high absenteeism rates. 

Granted Full Amount Requested:  $488.00

Carlin Springs  /  $500.00  /  Family Engagement During Student Support  /  September 24, 2024

Carlin Springs sought funding to establish a Family Engagement and Support Fund in partnership with the Carlin Springs Elementary Student Support Team.  This fund would include transportation gift cards/vouchers and light snacks.
Request Not Granted. Per Virginia PTA guidelines, CCPTA cannot purchase or reimburse for gift cards or vouchers that are unable to be maintained and tracked by the PTA.

Carlin Springs  /  $1,074.60  /  5th Grade Reusable Water Bottles  /  September 24, 2024

Carlin Springs requested funding to purchase reusable water bottles as a gift to the 5th grade class.  

Request Not Granted.  While CCPTA appreciates the aim of building community, peer relationships, and school pride, the committee declined to fund items that are single-use, gifts, or those that become property of a student.

Child Find  /  $541.53  /  Books and Play Activities for Child Find  /  September 24, 2024

Child Find requested funding for books and play activities to serve 300+ families who have concerns about their child development.
Request Not Granted. The Grant Fund Committee determined it could not fund the request, as it pertains to items that should be funded or provided through APS or DHS.  

Child Find  /  $2,100.00  /  Supporting Early Childhood Development (2-5years)   /  September 24, 2024

Child Find requested funding to supply developmental resources, including books and toys tailored to each child's needs, as well as support for private preschools in Arlington, enhancing developmental outcomes for all children, with and without disabilities.

Request Not Granted. The Grant Fund Committee determined it could not fund the request, as it pertains to items that should be funded or proved through APS, especially if in support of private schools.

Drew  /  $345.00  /  Foundations of Numerical Numeracy Gr 3-5  /  September 24, 2024

Drew requested funding for a 6-week online workshop that fosters conceptual understanding and uses innovative approaches to support teachers and students.  The course explores the big ideas around building and extending number knowledge from 3rd grade through 5th grade. 

Request Not Granted. As a part of CCPTA Grant Funding application, the committee asks applicants to provide details surrounding the project to include intended learning outcomes, applicability to school and/or CCPTA goals, and potential student impact for the sake of better supporting the funding request.  Drew Elementary's request for  "Foundations of Numerical Numeracy Gr 3-5" lacked detail and/or itemization in order for the committee to make an informed decision to approve funding.  It was unclear if the workshop was for educators, caregivers, or students.  

Drew  /  $1,000.00  /  Squeals on Wheels  /  September 24, 2024

Creating a connection between curriculum objectives (life cycles) to real life experiences. 

Request Not Granted. As a part of CCPTA Grant Funding application, the committee asks applicants to provide details surrounding the project to include intended learning outcomes, applicability to school and/or CCPTA goals, and potential student impact for the sake of better supporting the funding request.  Drew Elementary's request lacked detail and/or itemization in order for the committee to make an informed decision to approve funding.  It was also unclear the direct academic or curricular impact this event would have for students.

Drew  /  $2,500.00  /  Author Visit (School-Wide)  /  September 24, 2024

Drew requested funding to host critically acclaimed author Tami Charles for three interactive presentations.  This unique experience would inspire students in grades K-5 to explore her books, discuss her writing process, and engage in reflective activities, while also promoting representation and appreciation for diverse voices in literature.

Request Not Granted. While CCPTA grants have been used in the past to support author visits, our grant program is not intended to cover the same proposals more than once or twice for the same school or program. Given the number of applications received, and the fact that this type of grant has been awarded to Drew in the past, the Grant Fund Committee determined that we are unable to fund this year's request with a CCPTA grant. 

Drew  /  $300.00  /  Yes, You Can Make a Still Life  /  September 24, 2024

Drew requested funding for materials for a still life painting enrichment class for 4th and 5th grade students, aimed at fostering self-confidence and enhancing skills in self-expression, observation, and problem-solving. 

Request Not Granted. While the Grant Fund Committee appreciates the intent behind the grant request, the committee determined that there was not enough detail to determine whether this was an existing enrichment class (in which case, why are the supplies for it not already paid for?) or a new class (in which case, how many students would it be offered to?)  .

Drew  /  $3,500.00  /  Drew Testing   /  September 24, 2024

Drew requested funding to purchase 30 external keyboards and 30 headsets for the Testing Office.

Request Not Granted. The CCPTA has repeatedly directed requests for core educational materials to the APS Chief of Staff, because assistive technology for students to take tests is a necessary item that APS must provide funding for 

Fleet  /  $500.00  /  FLE-0001 Field Trip to Frying Pan Farm  /  September 24, 2024

Fleet requested funding for a Kindergarten field trip to the Frying Pan Farm.

Request Not Granted. Due to the volume of grant requests this period, the grant committee voted to prioritize field trip funding for grades 3-12. 

Glebe  /  $644.40  /  Noise Canceling Headphones   /  September 24, 2024

Glebe requested funding for noise canceling headphones to support students in general education, as well as those with an IEP or 504 plans who often require or request noise canceling headphones in order to focus, take assessments, participate in whole school events, or be able to comfortably eat lunch in the cafeteria. 

Request Not Granted. The Grant Fund Committee determined it could not fund the request, as it pertains to items that should be funded or proved through APS, especially if part of an IEP or 504.  

Gunston  /  $1,000.00  /  English Class Field Trip to Planet Word Museum  /  September 24, 2024

Gunston requested funding to take a cohort of 8th grade students to the Planet Word Museum, where they will explore the theme "words matter" in relation to their spoken and written expression, home languages, and life experiences. This field trip aims to empower students who have struggled with reading and writing by reinforcing their value and potential, helping them to overcome academic challenges and develop confidence in their abilities.

Granted Full Amount Requested:  $1,000.00

Hoffman Boston  /  $5,516.39  /  HOF-0001 K - 5th Grade Classroom Carpet Replacement  /  September 24, 2024
HFB Elementary PTA requested funding to secure new classroom activity/circle time carpets to replace the frayed and deteriorated carpets located in many of the classrooms.
Request Not Granted. The Grant Fund Committee determined it could not fund the request, as it pertains to items that should be funded or provided through APS.

Jefferson  /  $3,000.00  /  Model UN Scholarship Fund  /  September 24, 2024

Thomas Jefferson requested support for the Model UN club, which aims to enhance members' research, writing, and speaking skills while addressing real-world issues through collaboration and debate. The funds will be used for transportation and scholarships for students attending the annual MUN conference at the College of William & Mary, a multi-day event that provides valuable hands-on experience.

Request Not Granted. As a part of CCPTA Grant Funding guidelines, CCPTA does not fund "projects that include a recurring cost year-over-year,” and we believe a reoccurring conference fits into this category.  

Jefferson  /  $1,592.50  /  Community Project Field Trip  /  September 24, 2024

Thomas Jefferson IB Program requested funding for its required Community Project Field Trip that will take half of the 8th graders to various local organizations, including the AFAC food distribution center and the Torpedo Factory Art Center. This trip aims to educate students about service-learning opportunities and encourage community engagement.

Request Not Granted. While the Grant Fund Committee appreciates the intent behind the grant request, the committee determined it is not appropriate for a CCPTA Grant to be used for core instructional requirements, such as a mandatory community service project requirement .

Jefferson  /  $3,625.72  /  New Uniforms for Cheerleaders  /  September 24, 2024

Thomas Jefferson requested funding for new cheerleader uniform skirts to replace items over a decade old and have begun to show age.

Request Partially Granted:  $1,400.00  Due to the large volume of requests, the Grant Fund Committee was able to only approve a partial grant of close to half the original request.  

Jefferson  /  $3,750.00  /  Author Visit to School  /  September 24, 2024

Thomas Jefferson requested funding to bring author Stuart Gibbs to the school for an author visit.  

Request Not Granted. Due to the large volume of grant requests this period, the CCPTA Grant Committee needed to maximize  the ratio of cost to impact.  Given the higher fees required by a national award winner caliber author, the committee was unable to approve the request because the cost was high relative to the number of students impacted. 

Kenmore  /  $100.00  /  Community/Concept Review Building Jenga  /  September 24, 2024

Kenmore requested funding to purchase Jenga sets for a classroom activity that will build community while reviewing science concepts.

Request Not Granted. Due to the large volume of grant requests this period, the CCPTA Grant Fund Committee voted to prioritize requests with a clearly defined academic or curricular impact.

Kenmore  /  $1,600.00  /  KEN-0002 Literacy Night at Kenmore  /  September 24, 2024

Kenmore requested funding for a collection of books at various reading levels, supplies for literacy-centered activities, and the creation of a student "passport" system to encourage participation and reward students.

Request Not Granted. As a part of CCPTA Grant Funding application, the committee asks applicants to provide details surrounding the project to include intended learning outcomes, applicability to school and/or CCPTA goals, and potential student impact for the sake of better supporting the funding request.  Kenmore Middle School’s request for Literacy Night at Kenmore lacked detail and/or itemization about whether the items were single-use, gifts, or those that become property of a student.  

Also, as part of CCPTA Grant Funding guidelines, CCPTA does not fund "projects that include a recurring cost year-over-year”.  Any funding requests for annual events require details on how the program would continue into future years without CCPTA support.   

Kenmore  /  $250.00  /  KEN-0003 Chamber Theater Performance Video  /  September 24, 2024

The Kenmore 8th grade ELA CLT is seeking funding to screen a video performance by the Chamber Theater, featuring stories that align with their curriculum. This event will serve as a culminating activity for all 8th graders, enhancing their engagement with works such as Poe's "Raven," "Tell-tale Heart," and "The Monkey's Paw."

Granted Full Amount Requested:  $250.00

Kenmore  /  $6200.00  /  KEN-0004 6th Grade FT to Plantation/FLW  /  September 24, 2024

Kenmore requested funding for a field trip to the Woodlawn & Pope-Leighey House, a National Historic Landmark that highlights significant historical events and figures. 

Request Not Granted.  Due to the high volume of submissions, our committee determined they could not prioritize events that do not have a clearly described academic or curricular impact, and also maximized the impact relative to the costs. 

Kenmore  /  $1,000.00  /  Neurodivergent Conference  /  September 24, 2024

Kenmore requested grant funding for the Neurodiversity Empowerment Conference, aimed at middle school students with varying disabilities and their families. This event will provide a supportive environment for students to explore their strengths, learn coping strategies, and connect with peers, while offering workshops on self-advocacy, social skills, and resources for families.
Granted Full Amount Requested:  $1,000.00

Kenmore  /  $1,950.00  /  STEAM Innovators: Learning Beyond the Walls  /  September 24, 2024

Kenmore requested funding for a STEAM certificate program that empowers students to harness creativity and technology to tackle real-world challenges. Aligned with Arlington Public Schools' goal of preparing students for the 21st-century workforce, the program fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and technological proficiency.
Granted Full Amount Requested:  $1,950.00

Kenmore  /  $3,000.00  /  Field Trip to National Air and Space Museum (NASM)  /  September 24, 2024

Kenmore requested funding for a field trip to the National Air and Space Museum (NASM) to enhance Kenmore students' understanding of space science standards through direct interaction with real-life artifacts and experts. 

Request Not Granted. As a part of CCPTA Grant Funding guidelines, CCPTA does not fund "Projects that include a recurring cost year-over-year, unless the requester can demonstrate how the school or PTA will sustain funding beyond the initial request.  CCPTA approved a similar field trip request in September 2023.

Long Branch  /  $180.00  /  Sensory toys for classroom  /  September 24, 2024

Long Branch requested grant funding to cover sensory items that will help students with social emotional learning, hyperactivity, and maintain focus towards the speaker. 

Granted Full Amount Requested:  $180.00

Long Branch  /  $280.00  /  Classroom Light Filters and Potty Training Seat  /  September 24, 2024

Long Branch requested funding for classroom light filters and potty training seats.  Items are intended for use in MIPA classroom for children with sensory needs, in addition to high level support needs for functional life and learning skills.
Request Not Granted. The Grant Fund Committee determined it could not fund the request, as it pertains to items that should be funded or proved through APS, especially if part of an IEP or 504.  

Montessori  /  $300.00  /  Recess Equipments (indoor and outdoor)  /  September 24, 2024

Montessori requested grant funding for recess equipment, both for outdoor play and indoor recess.  

Request Not Granted. The Grant Fund Committee determined it could not fund the request, as it pertains to items that should be funded or proved through APS

Montessori  /  $325.00  /  Field Trip to Long Branch Nature Center  /  September 24, 2024

Montessori requested funding for a kindergarten field trip to Long Branch Nature Center as part of a yearlong study on backyard birds, which aligns with various Science Standards for early learners. 

Request Not Granted. While the CCPTA Grant Fund Committee commends MPSA for utilizing Arlington County resources, due to the volume of grant requests this period, the grant committee voted to prioritize field trip funding for grades 3-12. 

Montessori  /  $79.99  /  Mini-Projector for class  /  September 24, 2024

Montessori requested funding for a classroom mini-projector that would enhance visual learning by displaying information from computers, tablets, or other devices onto a larger screen. 

Request Not Granted. The Grant Fund Committee determined it could not fund the request, as it pertains to items that should be funded or proved through APS

Montessori  /  $330.83  /  MPSA Special Education Montessori Materials  /  September 24, 2024

Montessori requested funding for materials for the special education team serving grades K-5, as existing resources are insufficient for the unique needs of these students. 

Request Not Granted. The Grant Fund Committee determined it could not fund the request, as it pertains to items that should be funded or proved through APS, especially if part of an IEP or 504.

Montessori  /  $1,977.00  /  Non-Broken Stands for the Bandroom  /  September 24, 2024

Montessori requested funds to purchase new, stable music stands and a more efficient stand carrier for the instrumental music program, addressing the challenges posed by outdated and insufficient equipment.

Request Not Granted. The Grant Fund Committee determined it could not fund the request, as it pertains to items that should be funded or proved through APS.

Nottingham  /  $318.12  /  Tricycle for Preschool ( & Kindergartener) Classes  /  September 24, 2024

Nottingham requested funds to purchase a tricycle for preschool and kindergarten.

Granted Full Amount Requested:  $318.12

Randolph  /  $10,589.81  /  Playground equipment for all!    /  September 24, 2024

Randolph requested funding for an inclusive merry-go-round playground item.  

Request Not Granted. The Grant Fund Committee, in accordance with APS policy, does not approve grants for playground equipment, as that need should be met by APS facilities funding. 

Swanson  /  $120.00  /  Activities for STAR  /  September 24, 2024

Swanson requested funds for crafts for a STAR classroom.  

Request Not Granted. As a part of CCPTA Grant Funding application, the committee asks applicants to provide details surrounding the project to include intended learning outcomes, applicability to school and/or CCPTA goals, and potential student impact for the sake of better supporting the funding request.  Swanson Middle School's request for  "Activities for STAR" lacked detail and/or itemization in order for the committee to make an informed decision to approve funding.  It was also unclear the direct academic or curricular impact this event would have for students.

Swanson  /  $39.95  /  Emotional Roller Coaster game  /  September 24, 2024

Swanson requested funding for the board game “Emotional Roller Coaster” to use with students to help build emotional regulation, problem solving, and self-expression skills. 

Granted Full Amount Requested:  $39.95

Swanson  /  $200.00  /  6th Grade Community Service Opportunities  /  September 24, 2024

Swanson requested funding to facilitate monthly community service projects for 6th grade students at Swanson, aimed at fostering connections within the school and the wider Arlington community. By participating in these projects, students will develop leadership skills, build new friendships, and learn how to make a positive impact in their environment.

Granted Full Amount Requested:  $200.00

Tuckahoe  /  $830.00  /  HowdaHug Seating Option for Regulation and Postural Control  /  September 24, 2024

Tuckahoe requested funding for HowdaHug chairs for circle time and instructional time to support students who have challenges with sustained sitting. 

Request Partially Granted:  $415.00  Due to the volume of requests, the Grant Fund Committee approved funding a portion of the request.

Tuckahoe  /  $1,690.00  /  Fields Trip to Children's Museum   /  September 24, 2024

Tuckahoe requested funding for a 1st grade field trip to the Children's Museum.  

Request Not Granted. Due to the volume of grant requests this period, the grant committee voted to prioritize field trip funding for grades 3-12. 

Tuckahoe  /  $355.00  /  Field Trip to Outdoor Adventures at Green Springs Garden  /  September 24, 2024

Tuckahoe requested funding for a Pre-K field trip to Green Springs Garden.  

Request Not Granted. Due to the volume of grant requests this period, the grant committee voted to prioritize field trip funding for grades 3-12. 

Wakefield  /  $260.00  /  End of year book project  /  September 24, 2024

Wakefield requested funding to support an AP Calculus project where students explore advanced mathematical concepts from The Joy of X, such as set theory, group theory, and data science, after completing their AP exam. 

Granted Full Amount Requested:  $260.00

Wakefield  /  $1,000.00  /  Science experiments for all  /  September 24, 2024

Wakefield requested funding to support the science immersion program, which engages students and families in hands-on science experiments at events throughout the year, including science nights at the US Patent Office and local elementaries, and European embassy open houses.  Providing materials and science kits will enhance these activities, allowing students to practice science, use Spanish in community interactions, and foster a strong sense of community and academic success.

Granted Full Amount Requested:  $1,000.00

Wakefield  /  $500.00  /  Field Trip to the United States Holocaust Memorial  /  September 24, 2024

Wakefield requested funds to take students enrolled in ELD [English Language Development] World History to visit the United States Holocaust Memorial.  The Holocaust and other genocides throughout history are a component of the World History Standards of Learning [SOL] curriculum.  The students enrolled in the course are all recent immigrants and some are even refugees themselves from conflicts throughout the globe, a topic that is explored through the museum's exhibits.

Granted Full Amount Requested:  $500.00

Wakefield  /  $1,118.25  /  Discovering Dictionaries  /  September 24, 2024

Wakefield requested grant funding to purchase 35 Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's English Dictionaries for sheltered English 11 classes at Wakefield High School. These dictionaries will assist English language learners in developing essential dictionary skills, enhancing their language proficiency and supporting their success in state tests.

Request Partially Granted:  $750.00  The grant committee was able to find alternative purchase options that would reduce the cost while still supplying the requested number of dictionaries.

Wakefield  /  $400.00  /  Field Trip Asian/African Art  /  September 24, 2024

Wakefield requested funding for a field trip to the Asian and African Art Museums in DC for students from grades 10-12, including those in AP Art History and Ceramics courses. This experience would provide them with invaluable exposure to historical and contemporary artworks, fostering a deeper understanding of art beyond the classroom.

Granted Full Amount Requested:  $400.00

Wakefield  /  $2,500.00  /  Schoolwide Speaker  /  September 24, 2024

Clear Choices Collaborative is a group of student leaders dedicated to the cause of ensuring a substance free healthy community. Together, the student leaders develop videos and conduct town hall activities engaging their peers in substance content and refusal skills. This summer, 3 students attended YADAPP Conference, producing a schoolwide plan to develop a small student mentor program and bring innovative youth directed speakers into the school. The three students were lucky to experience several nationally known speakers who provided youth engaged delivery of messages. Hence, they wish to offer this to our school community. This wish to develop a positive energy of hope and innovation at Wakefield High School. They will also be rolling out a small mentor group for youth at the same time. 

Due to the volume of requests, the grant fund committee was only able to  partially fund this request:  $1,000.00

Wakefield  /  $500.00  /  EPF tour of BEP  /  September 24, 2024

Wakefield High School requested funding for a visit to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing at the Department of Treasury in Washington, DC, where students will learn about the government's role in economics by observing the process of currency production.

Request Not Granted.  As a part of CCPTA Grant Funding guidelines, CCPTA Grant should not be used to fund items or events that do not have a direct link to academic or curricular impacts.

Wakefield  /  $2,234.00  /  Gallaudet University Academic Bowl   /  September 24, 2024

Wakefield High School requested funding to support the Gallaudet University Academic Bowl, an annual championship that unites deaf and hard of hearing high school students from across the country to compete and build supportive relationships. 

Request Not Granted.  Wakefield’s application lacked detail and/or itemization in order for the committee to make an informed decision to approve funding, because the transportation costs seemed extremely high relative to students impacted.

Yorktown  /  $300.00  /  Free Voluntary Reading Library  /  September 24, 2024

Yorktown High School requested funds for a  voluntary reading library ("FVR" library) that would support student learning and engagement by providing more culturally responsive materials. 

Granted Full Amount Requested:  $300.00

Arlington Tech/Yorktown  /  $350.00  /  Computer Science Contest, Arlington HSPC  /  September 24, 2024

Arlington Tech in collaboration with Yorktown High School requested funding for “Arlington HSPC," a unique 5-hour programming competition for middle and high school students in Arlington, aimed at enhancing their computer science skills. This inaugural event will challenge teams to solve real-world problems in a competitive format, promoting local educational programs in computer science and cybersecurity.

Granted Full Amount Requested:  $350.00

Fall 2023 Applications

School(s)/Amount Requested/Purpose/Date Submitted

Barcroft Elementary / $300 / Library Bags / September 4, 2023

Barcroft requested $300 to purchase sturdy bags and labels for preK and K to carry library books from school to home and back again.  This helps income based VPI students and special needs students borrow & return books regularly.  Will also support Kindergarten students at Title 1 school. 

Granted Full Amount Requested: $300

Washington & Liberty High School / $600-1000 / Food Funding for English Remediation Groups / September 7, 2023

Washington & Liberty (W&L) requested funding to supply food for various English remediation groups to ensure all students who need remediation to prepare for the English SOLs and to improve their reading ability have consistent access to food during and after school.  

Request Not Granted.  As a part of CCPTA Grant Funding guidelines, CCPTA Grant should not be used to fund items or events that do not have a direct link to academic or curricular impacts.

Abingdon Elementary / $3,500 / Author Visit to School / September 10, 2023

Abingdon Elementary requested $3,500 to cover the honorarium for Amina Luqman-Dawson to visit the school as an experiential learning opportunity for students.

Request Not Granted. Due to the large volume of grant requests during this period, the CCPTA Grant Committee needed to prioritize requests with high impact.  Given the higher fees commanded by a Newberry award winner caliber author, the committee was unable to fund this request at this time.

Fleet Elementary / $750 / Field Trip to National Zoo / September 14, 2023

Fleet Elementary requested $750 to be used towards school bus transportation to the free admission Zoo.  Students will be split into groups to explore the many exhibits at the zoo. 

Request Not Granted.  Due to the volume of grant requests this period, the grant committee voted to prioritize field trip funding for grades 3-12. 

Washington & Liberty High School / $400 / 9th Grade Study Hall Snacks / September 18, 2023

W & L requested $400 to be used to provide snack options for academic support study halls, with attendance varying from 10 students to 30 students

Request Not Granted.  While CCPTA appreciates the aim of building community, peer relationships, and school pride, the committee determined it is not preferable for a CCPTA Grant to be used to fund small group meals or snacks.

Kenmore Middle School / $1000 / Preventing Challenges through Motivation and Success / September 18, 2023

Kenmore requested $1000 to support the newly formed “Preventing Challenges through Motivation and Success” group. The group utilizes the evidence-based curriculum, G.R.E.A.T., intended to help students recognize the detrimental impacts of delinquency, youth violence, substance misuse, and gang membership.  The grant fund would allow for author visits/educational speakers, supplemental funding for field trips, supplies for the group, arts programming, and special projects and enrichment opportunities for students.

Request Not Granted.  As a part of the CCPTA Grant Funding application, the committee asks applicants to provide “itemized equipment/material costs/other possible costs” for the sake of better supporting the funding request.  Kenmore’s request for Preventing Challenges through Motivation and Success funding lacked detail and/or itemization in order for the committee to make an informed decision to approve funding.

Kenmore Middle School / $900 / Academic Incentives / September 18, 2023

Kenmore requested $900 to purchase small reward prizes to incentivize students to achieve academic success with examples of possible prizes on the Kenmore Cougar News. This student news broadcast would explain to students how to earn recognition prizes. 

Request Not Granted.  While CCPTA appreciates the aim of building community, peer relationships, and school pride, the committee determined it is not appropriate for a CCPTA Grant to be used to fund items that are single-use, gifts, or those that become property of the student.

Wakefield High School / $1305 per student / DECA State and National Competition / September 20, 2023

Wakefield requested $1305 per student to assist with travel costs (transportation, hotel, registration fees) for DECA students who advance to state and national competition. While Wakefield holds several fundraisers during the school year, the costs are not fully covered.  This year, the national competition is in California and will cost more per student and chaperone to attend. APS requires two chaperones to attend and those costs must be covered. 

Request Not Granted. As a part of CCPTA Grant Funding guidelines, CCPTA does not fund "projects that include a recurring cost year-over-year,” and we believe a reoccurring competition fits into this category.  

Wakefield High School / $500 / Glaze Chemistry / September 20, 2023

Wakefield requested $500 to purchase glazes that can be manipulated by adding flux, refractory, and glass to give students an understanding of the chemical changes and properties of glazes that allows them to manipulate colors and attributes.

Granted Full Amount Requested: $500

Barcroft Elementary / $650 / Field Trip to Correlate ELA (CKLA) Research Unit / September 20, 2023

Barcroft requested $650 to cover the use of two APS buses to support a field trip to the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture correlating with a ELA (CKLA) Research Unit.  Fifth grade will complete a month-long research unit on Juneteenth and visit the museum, exposing Title One students to the realia of the required Juneteenth unit and giving them first hand exposure to the information they will be researching for the month.

Granted Full Amount Requested: $650

Kenmore Middle School / $2500 / Cougar Band Concert Attire  / September 21, 2023

Kenmore requested $2500 to allow for uniform clothing for all Kenmore Cougar Band members. This concert uniform is used for the multiple concert events throughout the school year, washed and returned at the end of each school year. Providing these performance uniforms will greatly increase the student attendance at concerts, including students considered "at risk." Student participation at music concerts results in family members attending as well, bridging the gap for many of the immigrant and first generation families in the Kenmore community.

Granted Full Amount Requested: $2500

Kenmore Middle School / $250 / Brine Shrimp Hatchery Kits  / September 21, 2023

Kenmore requested $250 to purchase 4 brine shrimp hatchery kits to grow brine shrimp for four (4) 7th grade life science classes. Students will study the characteristics of life by growing brine shrimp and observing them under a microscope. Investigation real world organisms delivers a concrete experience to abstract science concepts.

Granted Full Amount Requested: $250

Washington & Liberty High School / $500 / Social Skills Halloween Party / September 22, 2023

W & L requested $500 to be used to assist in planning and execution of a social skills Halloween party in order to teach students how to plan a party and practicing their social skills during the event. 

Request Not Granted.  As a part of the process, the committee took into consideration the number and/or demographic of students impacted by the funding request.  In reviewing the application for this event, it was unclear how many students would be impacted by this request.  

Tuckahoe Elementary / $745 / Field Trip to National Children’s Museum / September 25, 2023

Tuckahoe requested $745 to offset the cost of CPP students’ field trip to the National Children’s Museum.  This field trip would expose our youngest and most diverse learners in APS with an opportunity to visit, explore, and immerse hands-on sensory experiences at the National Children's Museum. The Tuckahoe CPP programs consist of two classrooms. There are 26 students currently but the numbers can go up to 28. Each classroom is staffed with three adults. The children are provided with twice yearly progress reports based on the Virginia Early Development Standards. The experience at the National children's Museum will provide necessary observational data to complete the report. 

Request Not Granted.  Due to the volume of grant requests this period, the grant committee voted to prioritize field trip funding for grades 3-12. 

Wakefield High School / $150 / Materials for Crochet Club / September 25, 2023

Wakefield requested $150 to provide crochet hooks and yarn for participants in Wakefield's Crochet Club.  Wakefield's Crochet Club is an established after school club for both beginning and experienced crocheters. It has grown from 10 students in the 22-23 school year to 57 students this year in 23-24. The club provides students with the opportunity to learn a creative new skill that improves focus and concentration and relieves stress, in an environment where they can make new friends.

Granted Full Amount Requested: $150

Washington & Liberty High School / $460 / Eating the Rainbow / September 26, 2023

W & L requested $460 for supplements to a nutrition unit, giving the opportunity to try a variety of fruits and vegetables to help them meet the recommended daily intake of vitamins and minerals.  The goal is for students to analyze their personal daily intake to determine if they are meeting daily values for vitamins and minerals. We will do a self-reported survey before the lesson to see how many fruits and vegetables they are eating, and from which color categories. Students will then determine where they are lacking/where they need to improve. After trying the variety of fruit and vegetable samples, students will make a plan to add more from the colors they are lacking.

Granted Full Amount Requested: $460

Kenmore Middle School / $1,000 / Inclusion Revolution / September 26, 2023

Kenmore requested $1000 to purchase shirts, tie dye kits, and materials for printing to create an “Inclusion Revolution” t-shirt showcasing the special Olympics team and their Best Buddies during a school-wide exhibition basketball game.

Request Not Granted.  As a part of the CCPTA Grant Funding application, the committee asks applicants to provide “itemized equipment/material costs/other possible costs” for the sake of better supporting the funding request.  Kenmore’s request for Preventing Challenges through Motivation and Success funding lacked detail and/or itemization in order for the committee to make an informed decision to approve funding.

Barcroft Elementary / $1,000 / Field Trip to Cox Farm / September 26, 2023

Barcoft requested $1000 to cover transportation costs for a field trip to Cox Farms. This field trip would serve to expose special needs and mainstreamed students alike to fall through a hay ride, learning about pumpkins and seeing farm animals on a farm.

Request Not Granted.  Due to the volume of grant requests this period, the grant committee voted to prioritize field trip funding for grades 3-12. 

Kenmore Middle School / $700 / District Wide Family Diversity Project Exhibition / September 26, 2023

Kenmore requested $700 to request The Family Diversity Project to bring the 'Authentic Selves' traveling photo exhibit to Kenmore (and other area locations).  This exhibit explores the many aspects of gender identity and variance by sharing these important, ground-breaking stories. Authentic Selves celebrates a range of views, opinions, and experiences that are unique and empowering to trans and nonbinary people. This traveling exhibit contributes to the process of dismantling the destructive power of prejudice and intolerance. 

Request Partially Granted: $500 for shipping the exhibit.  CCPTA was unable to approve the $200 donation as it is against National PTA policy for councils and local units to donate to other nonprofits. 

Fleet Elementary / $620  / Signing Falcons trip to National Children's Museum / September 27, 2023

Fleet requested $620 to fund a field trip to the National Children's Museum and an immersive and hands-on educational experience designed to introduce our students to STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics). During this visit, students will explore interactive exhibits and engage in activities that encourage scientific inquiry, creative problem-solving, and teamwork. This field trip aims to inspire curiosity, foster a love for learning, and to expose our students to a variety of STEAM topics..

Request Not Granted.  Due to the volume of grant requests this period, the grant committee voted to prioritize field trip funding for grades 3-12 and/or to venues without entrance fees.

Washington & Liberty High School / $350 / Sand Tray Therapy / September 28, 2023

W & L requested $350 to purchase sand tray therapy kits that allow students to express themselves in a non-verbal way.  Sand Tray Therapy uses sand and a variety of miniature toys to create stories that help represent how they are feeling in the here and now. It is particularly used to help someone express and explore their current and past experiences without having to verbally talk about it. The student is able to express their understanding of themselves through figurines and allow these creations to tell a story that expresses their inner thoughts. 

Granted Full Amount Requested: $350

Kenmore Middle School / $2,600 / Field Trip to National Air and Space Museum (NASM)

/ September 28, 2023

Kenmore requested $2,600 to fund transportation to the National Air and Space Museum (NASM) to bolster student's learning of the Space science standards by connecting Kenmore students to the real life artifacts and scientists at the NASM national mall building.  Students would visit the NASM National Mall building to attend a planetarium show and meet a curator of the Planetary Science and Exploration section of the institute. Students could see the real-life artifacts the Smithsonian houses to demonstrate Earth and Space systems and students would have the opportunity to ask questions and grapple with the size of space and the science surrounding it. Following the field trip, students will be able to create a museum plaque for an artifact they saw in the museum that demonstrates a key concept of Earth and Space systems.

Granted Full Amount Requested: $2,600

Kenmore Middle School / $600 / Reading Corner / September 28, 2023

Kenmore requested $600 to purchase graphic novels and other high interest novels for the classroom library as well as a comfortable rug and an additional stool for students to sit on.  This will increase student engagement and encourage independent reading. Students will associate the act of reading with positive feeling and sensations.  Intended impact is over 90 students.

Granted Full Amount Requested: $600

Kenmore Middle School / $200 / Fidgets for Fidgeters / September 28, 2023

Kenmore requested $200 to purchase fidgets for students who need them throughout the class period. It would increase student engagement and participation as well as reduce disruptive behaviors. Fidgets would also be used as a prize, instead of giving students unhealthy amounts of candy and sugar.  

Request Not Granted. While CCPTA appreciates the aim of building community, peer relationships, and school pride, our committee determined it is not appropriate for a CCPTA Grant to be used to fund items that are single-use, gifts, or become property of the student.  If fidgets are needed as a part of a student’s IEP or 504, these items should be provided by APS.

Oakridge Elementary / $2,000 / Nathan Hale Author Visit / September 28, 2023

Oakridge requested $2000 to bring an interactive and creative author, Nathan Hale, to the school to engage with the students and teach them about drawing, storytelling, and how learning history can be fun.

Request Not Granted. While we appreciate the intent behind the request, our committee determined that the author has paused school visits for the foreseeable future and has a years-long waiting list when those do resume.  

Hoffman Boston / $597 / Recess Equipment / September 28, 2023

Hoffman Boston requested $597 to provide better equipment for children to keep them engaged and promote  both SEL goals and building community among the children.

Granted Full Amount Requested: $597

Kenmore Middle School / $4,500 / 8th Grade Literature Theater Performance  / September 28, 2023

Kenmore requested $4,500 to invite Chamber Theater Encore to perform several famous American stories. Students will be able to grasp the subtleties of language, which will improve their reading skills. This performance is an opportunity to engage their emotions and imagination, making the texts more memorable. Analyzing a play's plot, characters, and themes can enhance critical thinking and text analysis, skills that are important to reading.

Request Not Granted. Due to the large volume of grant requests this period, the CCPTA Grant Committee needed to consider the value-to-cost ratio within each request.  Unfortunately, given the cost of the performance and in consideration of other grant fund requests, the committee is unable to fund this request at this time. 

Innovation Elementary / $1,950 / Three field trips for Early Childhood Innovation Team / September 28, 2023

Innovation requested $1,900 to fund transportation costs of three field trips (fall, Winter and spring) for the five early childhood classrooms at Innovation Elementary school.  Approximately 60 students will get to visit a local retirement community, visit the Botanical gardens in Washington DC and explore art at the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC. 

Request Not Granted. Due to the volume of grant requests this period, the grant committee voted to prioritize field trip funding for grades 3-12.

Washington & Liberty High School / $2,400 / English Learner Mentor/Mentee Program / September 29, 2023

W & L requested $2,400 to fund transportation costs and entry fees for a ropes course field trip.  Grant will allow W-L student mentors to engage and support newly arrived English Learners (EL) and allow W-L to connect new ELs with a positive peer role model and trusted staff member to support their academic and social emotional well-being.

Request Not Granted. While CCPTA appreciates the aim of building community, peer relationships, and school pride, the committee prefers to use funds for items or events that have a direct academic or curricular impact.

Montessori Public School of Arlington / $4,325 / STEMy Field Trips / September 29, 2023

Montessori Public School of Arlington (MPSA) requested $4,325 to fund transportation costs and supplemental materials for quarterly field trips in support of science concepts and improving end of year science assessments from declining to Mastery.  All culminating activities and Standards-related lessons will integrate aligned concepts and practice related to Arts and Technology.  Field trip locations and supplemental materials are National Museum of Women in the Arts exhibit “The Sky is the Limit,” Smithsonian American Art Museum, guitar building kits, Virginia Tech’s Think-a-Bit Lab, and Great Falls Park.

Request Not Granted. Due to the volume of grant requests this period, the grant committee voted against an application that was very similar to previously funded grants. A field trip to Think-a-Bit Lab was funded by CCPTA in December 2022.  As a part of CCPTA Grant Funding guidelines, CCPTA does not fund "projects that include a recurring cost year-over-year, unless the requester can demonstrate how the school or PTA will sustain funding beyond the initial request."


Fleet Elementary / $2,000 / Zones at Home training and program / September 29, 2023

Fleet requested $2,000 to purchase the Zones at Home supplement program.  To create a common language around social emotional learning at home and school, Fleet will offer Zones of Regulation training for families and provide supplemental resources which parents have the option to use at home. By providing training and resources for families, Fleet will foster meaningful partnerships that support student success and well-being.

Granted Full Amount Requested: $2,000

Gunston Middle School / $3,935 / Montessori Bonding Field Trip to Go Ape / September 29, 2023

Gunston requested $3,935 to fund transportation costs and entry fees for a ropes course field trip for the 82 students currently in the Gunston Middle School Montessori program. As students work toward valorization (understanding their place and strengths in the world) a key concept in secondary Montessori, the field trip would inspire students to approach their studies with a heightened sense of community, trust in one another, and a newfound ability to communicate openly. 

Request Not Granted. While CCPTA appreciates the aim of building community, peer relationships, and school pride, the committee prefers to use funds for items or events that have a direct academic or curricular impact.

Kenmore Middle School / $6,528 /  Field Trip for 6th Graders  / September 29, 2023

Kenmore requested $6,528 to fund a field trip (transportation and admission costs) to Woodlawn & Frank Lloyd Wright’s Pope-Leighey House and Woodlawn Plantation OR walking tour to visit monuments in downtown DC (Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson Memorial, Washington Memorial, Roosevelt Memorial, Vietnam Memorial, Korean Memorial, MLK Memorial).

Request Not Granted. As a part of the CCPTA Grant Funding application, the committee asks applicants to provide “itemized equipment/material costs/other possible costs” for the sake of better supporting the funding request.  Kenmore’s field trip funding application lacked detail and/or itemization in order for the committee to make an informed decision to approve funding, especially because there were two programs suggested, with very different entry fees and distance expenses associated with them.

Wakefield High School / $7,500 / Battling the Opioid Crisis: Peer Speaker on Opioid Crisis

/ September 29, 2023

Wakefield requested $7,500 to expand upon intended initiatives within Wakefield around opioid use and addiction and further educate Wakefield students about the dangers of Opioids, including Fentanyl, in an age-appropriate, engaging manner.  This grant would align with Wakefield’s proactive goals for opioid education and aid and add significant value to the Wakefield community by providing an opportunity to work with an individual who has walked this path and come through the other side. Bringing in a national speaker to discuss opioid addiction, help map out additional work Wakefield could carry out, and meet with at-risk students will add additional tools in helping students stay healthy and better understand the opioid crisis.

Request Not Granted. As a part of the CCPTA Grant Funding application, the committee asks applicants to provide “itemized equipment/material costs/other possible costs” for the sake of better supporting the funding request.  Wakefield’s request for this program/event lacked detail and/or itemization in order for the committee to make an informed decision to approve funding. For example, it wasn’t clear if this was for 1 speaker or more than 1 speaker, and what the estimate of the speaker fee was based on. It also wasn’t clear why transportation costs would be needed for peer speakers.

CCPTA is interested in partnering with Wakefield and other local high schools to provide this type of programming and event.  We would like to work together to address this growing crisis and identify speakers/programming that can meet the needs of our high school students.

Shriver Program / $2,000 / Field Trips / September 29, 2023

Shriver Program requested $2,000 to fund transportation for three  field trips as an integral part of the curriculum with real-world connections and experiences. The Shriver Program is planning four field trip opportunities (e.g., Cox Farm,  Fort Meyers Bowling Alley, Botanical Gardens, and the United States Postal Museum) which can connect to our curriculum. Funding is needed to help cover the transportation costs, admission fees, and any necessary accommodations for students with special needs.

Granted Full Amount Requested: $2,000

Fall 2022 Applications

School(s)/Amount Requested/Purpose/Date Submitted

Tuckahoe Elementary / $244  / Hands-On Primary Source SS Exploration / November 29, 2022

Tuckahoe Elementary requested $244 for an ancient civilization kit for third grade students. The grant will allow for hands-on exploration and student focused lessons. Primary and secondary sources will enable students to extract information and then apply the new ideas/learning to the following lessons incorporating VA SOLs. The comprehensive kit uses original documents, maps, photographs, and other materials to engage students in understanding the history of ancient civilizations from around the world. Authentic resources will capture students' curiosity about the past and promote critical thinking as they analyze different cultures, societies, and historical events.  Granted Full Amount Requested: $244

Fleet Elementary / $325 / DHH Field Trip to ASL Starbucks  / December 5, 2022

Fleet Elementary requested $325 for transportation for a field trip.  The Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) program staff would like to fund a field trip to Washington DC to visit Gallaudet University's on-site elementary school, Kendall Demonstration School for the Deaf (KDES) and then go to the signing Starbucks on H Street near Gallaudet University.  

The students in the DHH program have limited access to seeing Deaf and Hard of Hearing adults as professionals in their community.  We would like to take the students to KDES so they can meet peers and adults who are also DHH and use ASL. 

At the signing Starbucks on H Street, all staff are either Deaf or use ASL as their communication.  Students will have the opportunity to practice communicating in ASL to place their order.  They will also be required to pay for their Starbucks beverage using change, which aligns with their math goals for the curriculum standards, as well as on several student IEPs. Granted Full Amount Requested: $325

Montessori Public School of Arlington (MPSA) / $1775 / Empathy, Storytelling, and Film in Engineering / December 5, 2022

MPSA requested $1775 for a field trip and film creation project.  The project is two fold and impacts all students in fourth and fifth grades. The first part is the trip to the thinkabit lab to learn about STEM careers and create a servo motor generated robo-craft. The second part of the project is applying the robo-craft creating knowledge back to the school and recreating a robot design that will be featured in a live action film.

The films will be entered into the Arlington Student Film Festival and MPSA would host its own end of the year community film festival that would highlight these films. The Students will also showcase their robots at the school science fair and allow younger students access. Granted Full Amount Requested: $1,775

Fleet Elementary / $700 - $750 / Sensory Tools For School Wide Use /  December 5, 2022

Fleet Elementary requested $700 to $750 dollars to purchase twenty (20) noise canceling headphones and ten (10) weighted lap blankets.  Students with accommodations identified in their Individual Education Plan (IEP) have these resources provided through school and county funds. The request was made on the understanding that ALL students benefit from sensory tools such as noise canceling headphones and lap weights. Providing these tools school wide not only provides sensory input for students who require it, it also decreases the stigma around students who require them. 

These tools are intended to promote focus, provide calming support, and increase inclusivity in the general education setting. Granted Partial Amount Requested: $400 for weighted blankets.

Abingdon Elementary / $1,000 / Jamestown Field Trip / December 10, 2022

Abingdon Elementary requested $1,000 for a Jamestown Settlement field trip to enrich and reinforce their students’ classroom learning.  Students will fully immerse themselves through the historical settlement and have the opportunity to meet re-enactors and simply learn about how life existed during colonial times.  This is a capstone for fourth graders as their social studies curriculum is focused on Virginia studies.

Request Not Granted: $0  As a part of CCPTA Grant Funding guidelines, CCPTA does not fund "Projects that include a recurring cost year-over-year, unless the requester can demonstrate how the school or PTA will sustain funding beyond the initial request.”  Abingdon has requested funding for this field trip several times.

Tuckahoe Elementary / $440 / Play is the Work of Children / December 10, 2022

Tuckahoe Elementary Community Peer Pre-K (CPP) Program requested $440 for a field trip to the National Building Museum in Washington DC.  This grant would cover the cost of transportation and admission.  This field trip will expose the youngest and most diverse learners in APS with an opportunity to visit and participate in an immerse hands on experience at the Play, Work, Build exhibition at the museum. Granted Full Amount Requested: $440

Fleet Elementary / $1,259 / Chesapeake Scientists / December 12, 2022

Fleet Elementary requested $1,259 for a field trip to the Lubber Run Trail for a study of the Chesapeake Bay watershed. This field trip provides a unique opportunity for hands-on science for our students while also engaging them in a MWEE (Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience). While third- and fifth-grade students have access to the Outdoor Lab science experience, fourth-grade students in Arlington County do not have an equal opportunity to have access to a meaningful scientific based field trip. 

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation have already provided $200 worth of funding to a teacher who participated in their summer teacher development workshop. The funding from the CCPTA would allow us a trial run of this field trip which could then be used as an example of a MWEE (Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience)  to help us gain funding in future years from outside sources. Granted Full Amount Requested: $1,259

Drew Elementary / $2,000 / Support for Playground Mural / December 13, 2022  

Drew Elementary requested $2,000 for assistance in hiring a visiting artist to install; a mural in the real playground. A visiting artist has been collaborating with Drew's Visual Arts Instructors and the entire student body on a student driven mural design inspired by the text and illustrations in “Maybe Something Beautiful.” This book speaks to a child’s efforts to turn her drab neighborhood into a stimulating and beautiful community with the help of neighbors and friends.

The community, parents and staff have been encouraged to participate in the project and provided with several opportunities to do so. Installation will be provided by school system contractors under the visiting artist's guidance. Granted Full Amount Requested: $2,000

Spring 2022 Applications


School(s)/Amount Requested/Purpose/Date Submitted


Gunston Middle School/$1,000/Spring Fling Carnival/February 19, 2022

Gunston Middle School is requesting $1,000 to support the cost of their Spring Fling Carnival, an event that fosters school pride and peer relationships after a prolonged period of limited interaction due to COVID mitigation measures. Funds will support the purchase of food and materials and will help ensure that all students can attend without financial hardship. Request not granted: $0. While we appreciate the aim of building community, peer relationships, and school pride, our committee determined that it is not appropriate for a CCPTA Grant to be used for events that do not have a direct academic or curricular impact.


Gunston Middle School/$640/EL Field Trip to the Smithsonian/February 15, 2022

Gunston Middle School is requesting $640 to pay for field trip transportation. This field trip to the National Mall and the Smithsonian Institution is for 56 students in EL Level 1 and 2 classes. To promote the well-being of every child, this field trip will provide opportunities for students who are not practiced or able to access that type of experience independently. It also introduces the idea of broader cultural opportunities in our students’ new home that are open to them. Granted full amount requested: $640


Kenmore Middle School/$352/Tools to Explore the Outdoors/February 19, 2022

Kenmore Middle School is requesting $352 to purchase outdoor tools. Students will engage in experiential activities that will help them and their support systems gain a better understanding of how to use a variety of outdoor tools for the management and beautification of their school community, while building positive relationships and respect for their environment. Granted full amount requested: $352


Kenmore Middle School/$3,000/National PTA Convention/February 19, 2022

Kenmore Middle School is requesting $3,000 to cover student admission to the Natioanl PTA Convention at National Harbor. As ambassadors of Kenmore Middle School, the House of Student Representatives will participate in a professional workshop during the National PTA Convention and discuss the process of developing such a program at other schools. At the end of the presentation, students will be able to apply their public speaking, advocacy, and leadership skills in other settings, including in the school community. Granted partial amount requested: $1,200. We have approved the amount of $1,200 to provide 15 scholarships for students to attend the PTA Convention.


Montessori Public School of Arlington/$800/Monarch Animation Studios/February 21, 2022

MPSA is requesting $800 to support their Monarch Animation Studios event. Visual art, storytelling, technology, theater, music, and collaboration all combine forces to create a simple animation. Students will be guided through the collaborative pre-production process of script writing, storyboarding, and creating artwork for the backgrounds, characters, and props. Next, students will work in teams to produce a stop motion film using stop motion animation software and cameras. Finally, in post production, theatrical voice over artists will lay down dialogue, music will be produced, and videos will be edited together for the final product. The animations will be entered into the Arlington Student Film Festival and MPSA will host its own end of the year community film festival that will highlight these animated films. Granted full amount requested: $800


Montessori Public School of Arlington/$1,138/Community Connections/February 21, 2022

MPSA is requesting $1,138 to support a school-wide cultural study of Javanese culture through the lens of The Arts. Reflecting Montessori’s practice of integrated learning, experiences will include: math and science connected to the construction and performance of angklung, Javanese gamelan and wayang; history and geography of Java relative to Indonesia, the Asian Continent and Arlington, VA; digital pedagogy outline online etiquette and video production; robust engagement with expressive and receptive language in both English and Bahasa; Zoom Fieldtrips and hands-on tutorials with House of Angklung, Rumah Indonesia and Embassy of Indonesia; on-going Blog/Vlog pen-pal correspondence between MPSA and Indonesian students. Granted full amount requested: $1,138


Montessori Public School of Arlington/$134.19/Assistive Technology/February 16, 2022

MPSA is requesting $134.19 to purchase materials for writing instruction for students with disabilities. This includes five wireless keyboards for students to utilize in both the general education classrooms and in their resource classrooms. Many of the students do not qualify for assistive technology but would benefit from the extra technology to help develop their written voice. The request also includes four headphones with microphones so that the students can dictate their writing onto their iPad. This will help get their ideas out rapidly so that they can work on sentence structure and grammar without the burden of physical writing or spelling. We can access grade level standards with their own writing by using the microphone. These headphones can be used in the general education classroom as well as the resource classroom. Request not funded: $0. Per APS policy, all technology "gifts" must first be approved by APS Information Services as, once purchased, technology hardware is considered property of APS (Policy Implementation Procedure D-15 PIP-17 External Funding – Technology Gifts). That said, it is the feeling of our committee that access to assistive technology for students with disabilities is an issue of equity. We fail to understand why APS is not providing adequate funding for this purchase, and we encourage MPSA to reach out to APS for assistance.

Fall 2021 Applications


School(s)/Amount Requested/Purpose/Date Submitted


Drew Elementary/$800/Materials for Maker Space/October 17, 2021

Drew Elementary is requesting $800 to purchase materials for their Dragon’s Den, a STEAM Maker Space. Drew purchased a laser cutter, but the space still needs a variety of materials for maximum use and benefit. Students will design projects using design software and send designs to the laser cutter. Student products will align with content standards and integrate STEAM. Granted full amount requested: $800


Drew Elementary/$2,565/Author Visit/October 18, 2021

**This request was originally funded in the Fall 2019 grant period; however the event could not take place due to school closures during the COVID19 pandemic. The school re-applied during the Fall 2021 grant period. Drew Elementary is requesting $2,565 to host a visit with Marc Tyler Nobleman, an author, speaker, and pop culture archaeologist. He has penned Bill the Boy Wonder: The Secret Co-Creator of Batman (a nonfiction picture book) and Boys of Steel: The Creators of Superman (a nonfiction picture book), among many other works of fiction and nonfiction. His visit is expected to inspire students to read and research. Mr. Nobleman will spend a full day at Drew, meeting with all fourth and fifth grade students in small groups to allow for questions and discussion. Students will learn about his research and writing process, which inspired a Hulu documentary and TED Talk on the previously unknown history of the creation of Batman. Granted full amount requested: $2,565


Wakefield High School/$684/t-shirts for Latino Youth Leadership Conference/October 21, 2021

Wakefield is requesting $684 to purchase t-shirts for students attending the Latino Youth Leadership Conference. In the conference, which is conducted completely in Spanish, leader students from APS high schools gather to learn about the achievements of Latino people who have overcome many obstacles and hardships. The conference focuses on many different career areas. Each student will be able to participate in a motivational career and identity leadership workshop. The students develop skills to lead in their homes, schools, and community, now and as adults. Granted full amount requested: $684. T-shirts are not normally an item we would prioritize for funding, and we encourage Wakefield to consider other options in the future (such as asking for voluntary contributions or including such costs in your PTA budget). However, we are in a very unique position in that we have excess money in the fund; therefore, the committee voted to fund this project.


Winter/Spring 2021 Applications


School(s)/Amount Requested/Purpose/Date Submitted


Arlington Tech/$1,000/Street Art Project/January 11, 2021

Arlington Tech is requesting $1,000 to purchase materials for their Street Art Project. This is phase 2 of a project to transform the road and bus lane between the main entrance to the school and the relocatables in the parking lot. The street art will help slow down traffic using the road and bus lane. As the Career Center has bus traffic all day, Arlington Tech students have to navigate through the buses to reach their classes. The street art should signal to drivers that this is not an ordinary roadway. A team of seniors from all the programs at the Career Center will design the art under the guidance of an artist, and then all seniors will have the opportunity to help paint the design onto the street. Granted full amount requested: $1,000


Kenmore Middle School/$1,000/Shade Structure for Outdoor Classroom/March 2, 2021

Kenmore Middle School is requesting funds to purchase shade canopies for Kenmore's newly-designated outdoor classroom space; these areas currently receive little to no shade throughout the day. In the near-term, this project will allow students to spend part of their day outdoors, where the risk of COVID-19 transmission is much smaller. In future years, the shade structures will continue to provide Kenmore students and staff with a safe and comfortable location to hold class outside. Granted full amount requested: $1,000


Fall 2020 Applications


School(s)/Amount Requested/Purpose/Date Submitted


Barcroft Elementary/$3,138.75/iPad Keyboards for 4th grade students/October 19, 2020

Barcroft Elementary is requesting $3,138.75 to purchase iPad keyboards for 4th grade students to use during virtual learning. Since the iPad alone is not conducive to accurate and efficient keyboarding, the iPad keyboard will turn the student iPad into a pseudo laptop. Students will be better able to use online book writing and keyboarding programs and continue to use the keyboards in the classroom. This will create better equity and engagement for students that will continue to learn virtually as well as student who return in person. Request not granted: $0. Per APS policy (Policy Implementation Procedure D-15 PIP-17 External Funding – Technology Gifts), all technology "gifts" must first be approved by APS Information Services as, once purchased, technology hardware is considered property of APS. Given the time needed to move through such a process, we could not guarantee that the purchase could be made quickly enough to fill what is likely an immediate need for students. Furthermore, the total request would consume more than half of our current budget, limiting the impact we can have on other students across APS. The committee voted to not approve the request.

Spring 2020 Applications


School(s)/Amount Requested/Purpose/Date Submitted


Abingdon Elementary School/$1,500/Jamestown Field Trip/February 5, 2020

Abingdon Elementary School is requesting $1,500 to enable all 4th graders to attend a field trip to Jamestown. The fourth grade teaching team plans to take Abingdon's fourth grade students on a field trip to the Jamestown Settlement to help reinforce their fourth grade social studies SOL topics. In previous years this has proven to be a very beneficial learning tool for the 4th grade students in solidifying their social studies lessons throughout the year in preparation for the SOLs. Granted partial amount requested: $1,000. This will enable the Abingdon team to provide scholarships to students who can not afford the cost of the field trip.



Barcroft Elementary School/$245/SOL Pass/February 10, 2020

Barcroft Elementary is requesting $245 to purchase SOL Pass for students in grades 3-5. This school-site-based subscription and license will provide students and teachers with easy access to grade level specific SOL review activities. Granted full amount requested: $245


Drew Elementary School/$1,779/Drew Outdoor Learning Gardens/February 10, 2020

Drew Elementary is requesting $1,779 to support their Outdoor Learning Garden. Through hands-on involvement in these gardens, the school believes the students, staff, and families will benefit from the physical investment in the school space. This project will benefit the school and community in both the long and short term through the establishment of additional learning spaces, instilling a love of nature in the students, and creating a sense of pride in their school environment. The newly formed Garden Club is committed to the continued support of the gardens and use by students and teachers will be shown in the gardens' upkeep and increased applications in classroom activities and lessons. Committee requested additional information to partially fund the request. However, the event was canceled due to the COVID pandemic.  

Fall 2019 Applications

School(s)/Amount Requested/Purpose/Date Submitted 

Barcroft Elementary School/$375/Book Buddies Club/November 18, 2019 

Barcroft Elementary School is asking for $375 to purchase materials needed to support the first year of a new Barcroft Book Buddies Club. The Club is a partnership between the school and Communities in Schools and will meet after school for two 10-week sessions. Each session will include ten 5th graders matched with ten younger students in grades K-4 for a total of 40 participants. The Club is a new program this year at Barcroft. This initiative specifically includes 5th grade students who are English language learners and/or who have IEPs and need practice reading and practice as role models. The $375 requested would cover project materials related to the reading to engage the students in a reading related activity. This request was submitted on November 18, 2019. Granted full amount requested: $375. 

Barcroft Elementary School/$100/Cultural Performance/November 18, 2019 

Barcroft Elementary School is asking for $100 to pay for a cultural performance for students in June. Cofunding from APS Humanities will cover the majority of the performance cost of $1000. A specific performance group has not yet been determined. This request was submitted on November 18, 2019. Request not granted: $0. While the CPCI Committee is appreciative of the importance of cultural performance events, the lack of detail provided in this proposal limits our ability to approve funding for it. 

Barcroft Elementary School/$520/Field Trip to Adventure Theatre/November 18, 2019 

Barcroft Elementary School is asking for $520 to subsidize ticket costs for a first grade field trip to Adventure Theatre. This field trip will expose students to the concept of “reader’s theater” which is a unit of study undertaken in the spring. The amount requested will underwrite scholarships for student ticket prices ($8.50 each with Title I discount, 80 students attending). This request was submitted on November 18, 2019. Granted full amount requested: $520. 

Barcroft Elementary School/$2519/Flexible Seating/November 18, 2019 

Barcroft Elementary School is asking for $2519 to pay for flexible seating for 4th grade students. Flexible seating has been acquired for some classrooms so far through personal teacher expense. Five wobble stools per classroom for a total of 20 wobble stools are requested. This request was submitted on November 18, 2019. Request not granted: $0. CPCI grants have been used in the past to fund flexible seating for schools, however, the CCPTA is working with APS on this countywide equity issue to address the disparities more broadly. Since that is in progress and this is a large expense for a single grade level, the CPCI Committee has not approve the request. 

Barcroft Elementary School/$4500/Literary Magazine/November 18, 2019 

Barcroft Elementary School is asking for $4500 to pay for the publication of a literary magazine that each student contributes to with their own personal writing. The project would create a multi-week engagement campaign to promote language arts and provides durable supplemental reading material, in which the student is invested, to augment the home reading material collection. The proposal is to print 450 copies at a cost of $10 per student. This request was submitted on November 18, 2019. Request not granted: $0. CPCI grants have been used in the past to fund literacy initiatives, however the CPCI Committee determined that the cost/benefit breakdown was not a good fit for CPCI grant funds at this time. 

Barcroft Elementary School/$371.25/National Geographic Magazine Subscription/November 18, 2019 

Barcroft Elementary School is asking for $371.25 to purchase a “spring subscription” of 4 issues of National Geographic Explorer Magazine for fourth grade students. The magazines will provide students with high quality informational content to use both in class and to take home. This project directly impacts objectives to promote literacy welfare in both school and at home, and promoting literacy engagement of students and families. This effort is intended to be the first year of an ongoing program. This request was submitted on November 18, 2019. Granted full amount requested: $371.25. 

Barcroft Elementary School/$1000/Preschool Library/November 18, 2019 

Barcroft Elementary School is asking for $1000 to purchase books to establish a preschool library for VPI students at the school. The school librarian has already committed significant funds on books and materials and has received donated bookcases. The program is intended to increase family and student engagement with emergency literacy skills, including books in native languages and parent information and training on how to promote literacy skills. The program will be part of a research study to see how this program supports emergent readers of English. This request was submitted on November 18, 2019. Request not granted: $0. CPCI grants have been used in the past to fund literacy initiatives and book purchases. However, since this project is focused on supporting the VPI program, which is funded by the state of Virginia rather than APS, the CPCI Committee determined that this project was not a good fit for CPCI grant funds at this time. 

Carlin Springs Elementary School/$2000/Spring Musical/October 30, 2019 

Carlin Springs Elementary School is asking for $2000 to fund the 4th and 5th grade spring musical in May 2020. The first ever musical at the school was presented last year and the school is hoping to have more resources to support a second effort this year. The event will include around 50 students in the cast. All students at the school get to watch the full performance at a school-wide assembly, making this a fullschool event. Costs for this year include costuming, props, set design and set building, student t-shirts, and food for after school performances. This request was submitted on October 30, 2019. Granted partial amount requested: $1000. 

Drew Elementary School/$2600/Author Visit by Marc Tyler Nobleman/November 18, 2019 

Drew Elementary School is asking for $2600 for the speaker fee and mileage to bring author Marc Tyler Nobleman to visit the school. This author has written both fiction and nonfiction books and as a pop culture archaeologist, will excite students about research and reading. The author will spend a full day at Drew, meeting with approximately 110 4th and 5th grade students in small groups. This request was submitted on November 18, 2019. Granted full amount requested: $2600. 

Gunston Middle School/$2500/Author Visit by Ellen Oh/November 6, 2019 

Gunston Middle School is asking for $2500 for the speaker fee to bring author Ellen Oh to visit the school. The author writes middle grade and young adult books and is the co-founder of the non-profit organization We Need Diverse Books. The author will spend a full day with 6th, 7th, and 8th grade assemblies with the entire student body. The author will also have lunch with a smaller group of students. The remaining costs of this visit will be covered by the school’s book sales budget. The PTA hopes to add a budget line for author visits in future years. This request was submitted on November 6, 2019. Granted full amount requested: $2500. 

Gunston Middle School/$3449/Community Garden Service Learning Project/November 18, 2019

Gunston Middle School is asking for $3449 to support the development of an outdoor space and learning environment at the school. If approved, students will work on a detailed technical design for the space, in collaboration with the Design and Engineering Club. During the course of the design project, students will develop effective time and project management skills, greater ability to engage community partners and lead community conversations, self-advocacy skills, and inter-disciplinary skills through the progression of the project. They expect 50-100 students to be involved in implementing the project, from design, procurement, construction, landscaping, art installation, music performances, and a school-wide grand opening and dedication event. In-kind donations have been committed by Arlington Community Garden. This request was submitted on November 18, 2019. Request not granted: $0. CPCI grants have been used in the past to support outdoor learning initiatives and the CPCI Committee recognizes the importance of supporting student-led efforts. However, after much deliberation and discussion, we realized that a proposal of this kind is focused on the process of the project for the students and less on a specific final space design. Given that the proposal, by design, cannot include specific site plan information or exact details about installations, purchases, and long-term maintenance, because all of those things will be determined along the way by the students, we feel that we are unable to fund this request with a CPCI grant. 

Hoffman-Boston Elementary School/$600/Kindergarten Field Trip for Concert/November 18, 2019 Hoffman-Boston Elementary School is asking for $600 to fund bus transportation for kindergartners to attend the US Airforce Band Holiday Concert at Constitution Hall. The trip is intended to highlight skills the students are learning during music instruction. This request was submitted on November 18, 2019. Request not granted: $0. While CPCI grants have been used in the past to fund field trips, the CPCI Committee determined that the trip in question was happening too immediately (December 2019) to be funded in a timely manner by a CPCI grant. 

Hoffman-Boston Elementary School/$600/Kindergarten Field Trip Art Museum/November 18, 2019 

Hoffman-Boston Elementary School is asking for $600 to fund bus transportation for kindergartners to participate in the Custom Portrait Detectives experience at the National Portrait Gallery. Through this experience, students will get to analyze the visual elements of a portrait and students will get to explore biographies, art, and the American experience. Students will be able to make connections between art and history and will create their own portrait gallery at Hoffman-Boston. The museum is offering this experience at no charge. This request was submitted on November 18, 2019. Granted full amount requested: $600. 

Montessori Public School of Arlington/$4159/Bookroom Books/November 18, 2019 

The Montessori Public School of Arlington is asking for $4159 to purchase classroom readers that reflect equity heroes and/or people of color. The project will have a school-wide impact as books are available to all levels. Professional development in the use of the materials will be given to all teachers, Pre-K through 5 th grade. This request was submitted on November 18, 2019. Request not granted: $0. The CPCI Committee appreciates the importance of providing reading material for students that actively reflects their identities, particularly for students of color. However, given the large expense and our hope that there are APS or County resources for establishing bookrooms for new schools, we determined that we are unable to fund this request with a CPCI grant. The CPCI Committee, however, very much hopes that the Montessori Public School of Arlington will reapply during the spring funding period with a shorter, prioritized list of titles and collections that will help to supplement classroom reading material once other funding resources have been explored and utilized. 

Montessori Public School of Arlington/$1500/Art on the Go Program/November 18, 2019

Montessori Public School of Arlington is asking for $1500 to support three weekend art museum field trips to enhance the visual arts education of students who are identified as gifted and talented in the visual arts or who show intense interest and advanced skill and understanding of the subject. Parent donations will cover expendable art supplies to use during follow up lessons at school. The requested funds will cover bus transportation, sketchbooks, and drawstring bags. These trips are scheduled for weekends to give students the opportunity to explore art in depth and uninterrupted in a way that is not possible during the school day. This request was submitted on November 18, 2019. Request not granted: $0. The CPCI Committee appreciates the importance of supporting visual arts education and field trips for students. However, given the small number of students impacted, we determined that we are unable to fund your request with a CPCI grant. 

Montessori Public School of Arlington/$5400/Playground Equipment/November 18, 2019 

Montessori Public School of Arlington is asking for $5400 to purchase playground equipment for primary aged students (ages 3-6 years old) at the school. The playground equipment would be shared by seven different classrooms, with 23 students per class, for 161 students total. This request was submitted on November 18, 2019. Request not granted: $0. The CPCI Committee, in accordance with APS policy, does not approve grants for playground equipment, as that need should be met by APS facilities funding. 

Wakefield High School/$500/Community Read Author Visit/November 18, 2019 

Wakefield High School is asking for $500 to contribute to the speaker fee for an APS Community Read author visit by Elizabeth Acevedo. The author will participate in several events at the three main high schools in Arlington. At Wakefield, she will facilitate a large group discussion and have lunch with student Slam Poets. The event will impact about 500 students (including 30 students from Gunston Middle School). The author’s visit will supplement the fac that several Wakefield teachers are using her book as part of their curriculum. Ms. Acevedo is a Slam Poetry champion and meeting with her will provide inspiration and invaluable guidance to Wakefield’s aspiring slam poets. The total cost of the author’s fee is $7000, which will be primarily funded by APS Library Services with contributions from Yorktown, Washington-Liberty, and Wakefield PTSAs. APS Library Services has purchased the books for the students. All events will occur in the three high schools, so there is no cost for meeting space. This request was submitted on November 18, 2019. Request not granted: $0. While CPCI grants have been used in the past to support author visits, including the Community Read program, our grant program is not intended to cover the same proposals more than once or twice for the same school or program. Given the number of applications received, and the fact that this type of grant has been awarded to Wakefield in the past, the CPCI Committee determined that we are unable to fund this year's request with a CPCI grant. 

Wakefield High School/$2500/Author Visit/November 18, 2019 

Wakefield High School is asking for $2500 to the speaker fee to bring author Mahogany Browne to visit the school. The author is an internationally known poet who can inspire students in a love of reading, writing, and performance poetry. The author will give a 30-45 minute presentation to a large group as well as a 1.5 hour workshop (to be held Spring 2020), which includes reading and discussing poems, writing prompts, writing time, and a workshop discussion. The author empowers students by teaching them to express their ideas, identity and dreams through poetry. The visit will impact 500 students in the group presentation and 30-40 in the workshop. The remaining costs for this visit will be sought from other sources to cover Ms. Browne’s travel costs. This request was submitted on November 18, 2019. Granted full amount requested: $2500. 

Wakefield High School/$1500/Project LIT Community/November 19, 2019

Wakefield High School is asking for $1500 to purchase copies of Project LIT titles for students who participate in student-led book groups. Project LIT is a nationwide grassroots literacy movement creating communities of readers to read and discuss, current, relevant, and diverse young adult titles. Student leadership will be demonstrated through their efforts to lead the book club, choose the titles, and market the club to other students to grow our numbers. While there are copies of all the Project LIT books in the Wakefield library collection, having multiple copies of these books to give to students will enable more students to participate in the book club and increase the community of avid readers. This request was submitted on November 19, 2019. Request not granted: $0. While CPCI grants have been used in the past to fund literacy initiatives and book purchases, the large expense and unclear long-term sustainability plan, the CPCI Committee determined that this project was not a good fit for CPCI grant funds at this time. 

Washington-Liberty High School/$1719/Wireless Microphone Sets/November 18, 2019

Washington-Liberty High School is asking for $1719 to purchase wireless microphone equipment so that performers in the large W-L auditorium can be heard during theater performances. The teachers and students participating in Theater Department performances have worked hard over the past few years to manage the small number of working microphones, but it has proven inadequate, as expressed in the frustration of audience members in being unable to hear those on stage. APS and school budgets do not include the maintenance and replacement of wireless microphone sets – it is up to the booster programs to fund these items. Other high schools are reluctant to lend these microphones out because they are an expensive resource they don’t want to risk being broken or lost. At least 1000 students per school year who either participate in the theater performances or who attend as audience members would benefit from the purchase of these sets. Significant work has been done to collaborate with APS Facilities and the director of the W-L Theater Arts Program to determine exactly which equipment would be needed and how it can be purchased economically. Significant work has also gone into fundraising for this expense prior to coming to the CCPTA for funding – over $4600 has already been raised or committed towards the $6338 total cost. This request was submitted on November 18, 2019. Granted full amount requested: $1719. 

Spring 2019 Applications

School(s)/Amount Requested/Purpose/Date Submitted 

Abingdon Elementary School/$1000/Scholarships for 4th Grade Jamestown Field Trip/March 25, 2019 Abingdon Elementary School is asking for $1000 for scholarships for the 4th grade Jamestown field trip to allow all of the 4th grade students to attend. The 4th grade field trip to Jamestown Settlement helps reinforce the 4th grade social studies SOL curriculum by allowing the students to learn in action while touring the settlement. The $1000 requested would cover 20 scholarships of $50 each. The Abingdon PTA has contributed funds to the scholarships and the 4th grade has held two fundraisers to support the field trip. This request was submitted on March 25, 2019. Granted full amount requested: $1000. 

Barcroft Elementary School/$400/5th Grade College Field Trip/March 25, 2019

Barcroft Elementary School is asking for $400 to pay for two buses to transport 5th grade students to Howard University for a college tour. The visit will include a scavenger hunt and following directions on a map. The proposal specifically supports the goal to provide greater equality and equity in academic experiences and opportunities across schools by exposing Barcroft students, many of whom do not have any experience or understanding of college, to a college campus. The trip will include 65 students and adult chaperones, including parents as a family engagement activity. Co-funding from the APS Office of Equity and Excellence will cover lunch for students and teachers. This request was submitted on March 25, 2019. Granted full amount requested: $400. 

Barrett Elementary School/$2500/Libros en Espanol for all classrooms/March 22, 2019 

Barrett Elementary School is asking for $2500 for purchasing Spanish language books to be placed in every classroom. The majority of families at Barrett speak Spanish at home and the goal is to provide Spanish language books to support students who are native Spanish speakers, both during and after receiving ESOL services. It would also provide students learning Spanish as a second language to practice their reading skills in Spanish. The Barrett PTA has contributed funds for some books in two classrooms, so this request is hoping to expand the collection to 20 books in each of the 35 classroom libraries. This request was submitted on March 22, 2019. Granted partial amount requested: $1250. 

Campbell Elementary School/$500/Outdoor Classroom Whiteboard/March 22, 2019

Campbell Elementary School is asking for $500 to fund an Outdoor Classroom whiteboard to facilitate lessons in the school garden and courtyard. The Outdoor Classroom is at the heart of Campbell’s Expeditionary Learning model and is used heavily by students and teachers. A wooden, moveable structure with a weatherproof white board mounted to it would provide a more visible source for lesson instructions. Except in severe weather, the white board would remain in the enclosed courtyard. This request was submitted on March 22, 2019. Granted full amount requested: $500. 

Drew Elementary School/$1127/Sensory Tools for Sensory Regulation Classroom/March 24, 2019

Drew Elementary School is asking for $1127 to purchase sensory tools to assist students with emotional, sensory, and academic needs by allowing students to calm themselves, self-regulate, and build confidence for academic and personal success. Access to the sensory tools will be available for all Drew students. Indicators of success will be increased participation in classroom activities, improved self-regulation skills, and decreases in behavioral referrals. Drew is in the initial stage of developing a sensory regulation station, which all staff will be trained about by the Special Education Team. The proposal includes sensory tools that would be installed in the sensory regulation classroom space and items that could be requested by teachers or reserved for a particular time. Sensory tools are not provided by APS for classroom use. This request was submitted on March 24, 2019. Request not granted: $0. CPCI grants have been used in the past to fund sensory tools for schools, however, those past grants were for tools that would be stored in individual classrooms and immediately accessible to students on an as-needed basis. Restrictions on facility installations and other more permanent changes to school facilities also limit the CPCI Working Group in what it can approve for grant funding. 

Drew Elementary School/$1000/Reading Gives You Super Powers/March 25, 2019

Drew Elementary School is asking for $1000 for purchasing books for the library geared towards beginning readers focused on student interest in Super Heroes, Frozen, Cars, Princesses, and others. Part of the funds would be used to purchase super hero capes to be used during a Reading Gives You Super Powers event where students and parents can come together to read. The librarian would include diverse characters (Black Panther and Moana) and some titles would be purchased in Spanish. This request was submitted on March 25, 2019. Request not granted: $0. CPCI grants have been used in the past to fund book purchases for classroom libraries and other literacy initiatives, but not for books to be kept in the school library. The CPCI Working Group determined that this request should be addressed by APS funds. 

Hoffman-Boston Elementary School/$1940/Regulation Station/March 25, 2019

Hoffman-Boston Elementary School is asking for $1940 to purchase gym mats and wall padding for a Regulation Station. This would be a predesigned, organized, and sensory controlled space that includes a variety of physical activities that help children develop self-regulation abilities by satisfying sensory needs and organizing the nervous system. This project has been partially funded through principal's funds, donations, and a SEPTA grant, but there were insufficient funds for wall padding which is essential for the safety of this type of space that involves sensory experiences and a lot of physical activity. This request was submitted on March 25, 2019. Request not granted: $0. Restrictions on facility installations and other more permanent changes to school facilities limit the CPCI Working Group in what it can approve for grant funding. 

Hoffman-Boston Elementary School/$1826.95/Ukulele Ensemble/March 25, 2019 

Hoffman-Boston Elementary School is asking for $1826.95 to pay for a class set of 30 ukuleles and storage racks to supplement the music opportunities for 4th and 5th graders. A ukulele ensemble would have the opportunity for students to perform, which is required by 4th and 5th grade music SOLs. Students are currently only able to perform as part of the chorus. The ukulele was chosen because Hoffman-Boston is a STEM school and the ukulele is an excellent instrument to create connections between STEM instruction and music instruction. In addition, song and lyric writing and analysis are a unique way to connect literacy and language arts curriculum to the music curriculum. Hoffman Boston is also a strong advocate for arts education amongst all students, strongly encouraging each student to actively participate in the arts, through events such as: performances at multicultural night, community performances and outreach, an all school show, visiting artists, and 2 choral and instrumental concerts per year. Instrument maintenance and upkeep after initial purchase would be supported and funded by school music funds raised. This request was submitted on March 25, 2019. Granted full amount requested: $1826.95. 

Hoffman-Boston Elementary School/$1850/Mongolian Textbooks/March 25, 2019 

Hoffman-Boston Elementary School is asking for $1850 to purchase a number of Mongolian Textbooks to address a large population of Mongolian students at the school. The goal is to strengthen their native Mongolian language and assist in learning new academic concepts in the classrooms. The books would be available to students and parents to better support their children academically and to enrich and grow their interests. Shipping costs are currently unknown. This request was submitted on March 25, 2019. Request not granted: $0. While CPCI grants have been used in the past to fund book purchases for classroom libraries and other literacy initiatives, the CPCI Working Group determined that the cost/benefit breakdown was not a good fit for CPCI grant funds at this time. 

Hoffman-Boston Elementary School/$1323.29/Book Buddy Program/March 25, 2019

Hoffman-Boston Elementary School is asking for $1323.29 to purchase 523 books and storage boxes for a collaborative Book Buddy program between VPI and second grade. The Book Buddy program is designed to promote literacy skills, enhance and build school community, encourage mentorship and leadership, and foster friendships between different grade levels. The program has been around for two years so far and in the 2019-2020 school year, the school will be welcoming over 100 new students with the new redistricting mandate, and they hope that their Book Buddy program can grow along with them. Learning outcomes observed so far include: shared literacy (both reading and writing) amongst peers, positive interaction between different age groups in an academic context, community building, and leadership and mentoring opportunities for the 2nd graders. The Book Buddy program embraces the STEM focus with many of its themes and underscores the ideals of community building intrinsic to Responsive Classroom and PBIS with other themes and with its basic premise of working together to build literacy. This request was submitted on March 25, 2019. Granted full amount requested: $1323.29. 

Kenmore Middle School/$2500/Outdoor Classroom Tables/March 25, 2019 

Kenmore Middle School is asking for $2500 to purchase sturdy, round tables that can be used for a variety of purposes as part of creating a schoolyard/garden classroom that is accessible and scholastically useful to teachers and students. The outdoor learning space would have tables for collaboration, native plants that help the eco-system and link to cross-curricular objectives. The Arlington Community Foundation has contributed $750 towards this initiative. This request was submitted on March 25, 2019. Request not granted: $0. While CPCI grants have been used in the past to support outdoor learning initiatives, the purchase of furniture is somewhat restricted by APS guidelines. The CPCI Working Group determined that purchasing tables is not a good fit for a grant fund, but that we look forward to other proposals to support the Outdoor Classroom initiative at Kenmore. 

Randolph Elementary School/$1140/Flexible Seating Options/March 25, 2019

Randolph Elementary School is asking for $1140 to fund equitable flexible seating options for all of its classrooms (four sets of four flexible seating options each, impacting 14 classrooms which do not currently have flexible seating). Currently, their classrooms have a mix of flexible seating options available for students, some of which staff have purchased, some the Randolph PTA funded, and some the school has funded. The goal is to have equitable resources in all of their classrooms. Flexible seating is proven to improve student engagement and positive learning outcomes. One of the school goals is to improve student learning in content areas by using the workshop model in reading, writing, math, social studies, and science. The workshop model allows for flexibility in student seating and location within the classroom, as students are assigned tasks by their teachers to complete independently, with variable assistance from the teacher, while the teacher works with small groups at a time. Having the possibility of letting students choose an area in the classroom where there is comfortable seating that allows for their bodies to be comfortable while reading, writing, and/or doing math is a win-win situation: students learn best when working with a purpose in a comfortable environment. This request was submitted on March 25, 2019. Granted full amount requested: $1140. 

Thomas Jefferson Middle School/$2350/Author Visit/March 22, 2019

Thomas Jefferson Middle School is asking for $2350 to fund the speaker fee for an author visit by Pablo Cartaya. He is the author of the middle grade novels The Epic Fail of Arturo Zamora and Marcus Vega Doesn’t Speak Spanish. His visit will excite students about reading, encourage them to develop their own writing skills, and celebrate diversity and multilingualism. The author will spend a full day at Jefferson with their students. He will present at three grade level assemblies (6,7,8), have lunch with a small group of students, and have a small group discussion in Spanish with students from the HILT program. Students will learn about the writing process and how the author uses his experiences to inspire his writing. While there is no co-funding secured for this event, the visit was timed to occur in conjunction with other speaking events that Mr. Cartaya had already booked in the area, so they will not need to pay any travel costs. This request was submitted on March 22, 2019. Granted full amount requested: $2350. 

Wakefield High School/$660/Trauma-Sensitive Classroom Guides/March 25, 2019

Wakefield High School is asking for $660 to purchase 75 guides for creating a trauma-sensitive classroom. Wakefield staff members have been using 10 guides purchased previously which have proven to be invaluable as a resource in developing their staff’s understanding of trauma-informed practices. The statewide PTA emphasis on trauma as well as emerging national attention (societal violence, awareness of abuse, bullying, plus mental health in all forms) combine to highlight a notable vacuum of such understanding by our professional educators. The need to support these staff members is crucial as they may often be the first--or the only--professionals to witness complex, varied signs of trauma emerge through the educational environment [perhaps even exclusively there] and, therefore, be best suited to identify the need for appropriate, timely support as a community. Arlington County is making notable progress in such matters, but other neighboring counties/school systems are quite farther along in their trauma-awareness/certification. This supporting act represents a small but vital step in that direction. This request was submitted on March 25, 2019. Granted full amount requested: $660. 

Washington-Lee High School/$2500/Community Event for Achievement Recognition/March 21, 2019

Washington-Lee High School is asking for $2500 to pay for food/beverages and tokens of recognition for students who have shown success at a Community Building and Achievement Recognition event for HILT students and families. The goal of this activity is to foster a sense of community between HILT students and families (in particular, newcomers), general education W-L student mentors (STARS), and the W-L family by holding an outdoor field day/recognition ceremony/picnic. This event will include up to 300 students, family members, and W-L staff. Effectiveness will be shown in continued engagement in school by students and their families, increased participation in W-L events during and after school, and more open relationships between HILT students, STARS students, and W-L staff. They also hope to highlight the W-L characteristics of success and recognize the exemplary efforts made by particular HILT students. This request was submitted on March 21, 2019. Request not granted: $0. While the CPCI Working Group is supportive of student recognition and efforts that build community, we determined that it was not appropriate for a CPCI grant to be used primarily for food purchases. 

Washington-Lee High School/$5019.34/Broadcast Studio Update/March 25, 2019

Washington-Lee High School is asking for $5019.34 to purchase broadcast studio equipment to upgrade the current studio technology from analog to digital. This will greatly expand the curricular breadth and depth of the program and align the studio technology with the technology goals from the Office of Information Services. Schools are responsible for finding funds for this upgrade individually. This involves replacing nearly all relevant equipment, including cameras, switchboards, and the cords and cables to connect them. Student journalism programs are one of the best ways to support the development of student voices because students are encouraged to be content producers and creators. It would also help to resolve issues they are currently having with the analog setup in the studio that prevent all classrooms from viewing the announcements, creating more equity and access across the school. This request was submitted on March 25, 2019. Request not granted: $0. The CPCI Working Group appreciates the importance of encouraging student voices. However, given that the technology upgrade is recommended by APS and is a technology purchase (which PTAs are encouraged not to make), we determined that this is not an appropriate request to fund with a CPCI grant. 

Fall 2018 Applications

School(s)/Amount Requested/Purpose/Date Submitted 

Barrett Elementary School/$840/Barrett Buddies Special Olympics Project/November 26, 2018

Barrett Elementary School is asking for $840 for implementing a project to enable participation of Barrett’s students with significant special needs in a Special Olympics program with support of Barrett’s new Barrett Buddies club. Barrett Special Education teachers will implement the Special Olympics Young Athletes curriculum to prepare their students with significant special needs to participate in a culminating Special Olympics Feet Meet event on May 30, 2019 in Falls Church, Virginia. The Barrett Buddies club is made up of 5 th grade students who will meet weekly with their buddies to assist in training activities. The Club will also help plan and host a school assembly to raise whole school awareness of and support for participation of Barrett students with intellectual disabilities in the Feet Meet. This request was submitted on November 26, 2018. Granted full amount requested: $840. 

Barcroft Elementary School/$1250/Flexible Seating for Student Achievement/November 26, 2018 

Barcroft Elementary School is asking for $1250 to pay for flexible seating options in classrooms and the school library to provide a learning environment that supports student achievement through flexible learning spaces. Barcroft is focused on improving reading for all students and flexible seating options can contribute greatly to success in reading ability and concentration skills. Flexible seating has been acquired for some classrooms so far through parent donations and, so this request will build on existing positive results and fundraising efforts. Flexible seating options are not provided by APS for classrooms. This request was submitted on November 26, 2018. Granted full amount requested: $1250. 

Thomas Jefferson Middle School/$800/Booktopia Book Giveaway/November 25, 2018

Thomas Jefferson Middle School is asking for $800 for purchasing books to be given to students on March 1, Read Across America Day, directly before their Read-A-Thon begins. This event will support literacy and encourage a love of reading at Thomas Jefferson. Any books remaining after students choose their books will be offered to teachers to supplement their classroom libraries. Gently used books from the community will also be solicited to ensure multiple choices from which students may choose. The Thomas Jefferson PTA is contributing funds in addition to an additional grant request and a partnership with Barnes & Noble to reduce the overall cost of the new books. The CPCI fund has awarded a grant to Thomas Jefferson for the Booktopia Book Giveaway in the past. This request was submitted on November 25, 2018. Granted full amount requested: $800. 

Wakefield High School/$1700/Participation in Community Read/October 16, 2018

Wakefield High School is asking for $1700 to fund book purchases to be given to students to participate in the annual APS Community Read event. The event focuses on Tiffany Jackson’s Monday’s Not Coming, which will be read by high school students in Arlington and the author will come to speak as part of this event. Wakefield has coordinated with the APS Head Librarian to obtain funds towards book purchases and to cover the cost of the author’s fee (which is also being covered by Yorktown and Washington-Lee high schools), and Wakefield is using some of its library funds towards purchasing some copies of the book. This request was submitted on October 16, 2018. Granted full amount requested: $1700. 

Montessori Program/$500/Sensory Tools for Integrated Montessori Classrooms/November 16, 2018 

The Montessori Program (currently at Drew Elementary School) is asking for $500 to purchase sensory tools to promote students’ participation in classroom activities. The tools will be used to support all students (general education and special education) in two primary Montessori classrooms (approximately 46 students). By providing basic sensory tools in the classroom, they hope to meet student needs before a lengthy occupational therapy evaluation and recommendation are completed. Sensory tools are not provided by APS for classroom use. This request was submitted on November 16, 2018. Granted full amount requested: $500. 

Montessori Program/$772/Welcome to Montessori books/November 20, 2018 

The Montessori Program (currently at Drew Elementary School) is asking for $772 for purchasing books to be given to incoming 3-year old primary Montessori families that join. The book is intended as a gift from the PTA to new families to welcome them to the Montessori program, which accepts 56 new 3-year olds each year. The Arlington County Montessori PTA is working hard this year to build a sense of community and belonging before its move to a new school location in the 2019-2020 school year. This request was submitted on November 20, 2018. Request not granted: $0. 

Montessori Program/$990/Conference Registrations/November 16, 2018 

The Montessori Program (currently at Drew Elementary School) is asking for $990 to purchase two conference registrations for The Montessori Event 2019 for two teachers to attend the conference in March 2019. The conference can help teachers learn about new best practices, become reenergized, and bring back knowledge to all other staff members. APS and the PTA are contributing professional development funds for additional staff members to attend the conference. This request was submitted on November 16, 2018. Request not granted: $0. 

Montessori Program/$1350/Charter Buses for 5th Grade Overnight Trip/November 24, 2018 

The Montessori Program (currently at Drew Elementary School) is asking for $1350 to pay for a charter bus to transport its 5th grade students to the 4-H Nature Center in Front Royal, Virginia for an overnight field trip. The trip helps build confidence, trust, and friendships that are beneficial to the students and help support APS’s goal of supporting the whole child. Since the Montessori and Model program at Drew have separated this year, the camping trips are being coordinated separately and the cost will therefore be much higher this year for our students. One 55 passenger charter bus was quoted at $675 each way. This request was submitted on November 24, 2018. Request not granted: $0. 

Gunston Middle School/$2000/Culture and Community Garden Project/November 26, 2018 

Gunston Middle School is asking for $2000 to create an outdoor learning environment that encompasses instruction, wellness, diverse cultural growth, and community values; where staff, students, and the community can gather to reflect, learn, perform, and grow together as a community. The proposal is student-led and 50-100 students are expected to be involved in implementing the project and completing the community and peace garden in multiple phases. The project includes an artist collaboration, art panels, art materials, gardening supplies, a birdbath, and garden stools. This is the first major project that the Student Council Association is contributing to the school community and incorporates both internal and external partners. Additional fundraising opportunities are also being explored. This request was submitted on November 26, 2018. Request not granted: $0. The CPCI Working Group was very impressed with this proposal and has requested that it be resubmitted in the spring funding period with more detail and information. 

Spring 2018 Applications

School(s)/Amount Requested/Purpose/Date Submitted 

New Directions Alternative High School/$2750/Character Camp/December 19, 2017 

New Directions Alternative High School is asking for $2750 for sending 25 students to a 3-day, 2-night camp that builds character traits and positive relationships. New Directions serves at risk students who are courtinvolved and report to probation officers. The Character Camp is one of the ways in which they assist these students in addressing their behavioral and academic issues and get back on track. Learning positive character traits and learning how to build positive and productive relationships is vital for their success. The CPCI fund has awarded a grant to New Directions for the Character Camp in the past. This request was submitted on December 19, 2017. Granted full amount requested: $2750. 

Barrett Elementary School/$800/Bus transportation to Harper’s Ferry/March 15, 2018 

Barrett Elementary School is asking for $800 to pay for a bus to transport their 4th grade students on a field trip to Harper’s Ferry. Barrett has chosen this location in particular partially because of its Under Fire: A Civil War Story program, which ties in well with the Civil War unit taught in 4th grade. Harper’s Ferry was also chosen because Barrett is unable to fund the traditional 4th grade trip to Jamestown due to the higher costs of that trip. Students will be contributing $20 each towards this trip, and the Barrett PTA is providing additional funding to cover the remaining costs. This request was submitted on March 15, 2018. Granted full amount requested: $800.

Randolph Elementary School/$1600/Kindles for Kindergarten and First Grade/March 19, 2018

Randolph Elementary School is asking for $1600 for purchasing Kindles for their Kindergarten and first grade classrooms for students to use on a rotating basis at home. Digital content would be downloaded to the devices by the teachers, which would then be sent home with the students. These resources would be particularly valuable for their students who are learning English as the content could include audiobooks and podcasts and the devices would not require the students to have internet access at home in order to use them. This project meets the goal of providing a range of language-related support for students who need basic conversational English, students who have been in the U.S. for more than a year and need to strengthen reading comprehension and reading skills, and any student who needs differentiated instruction to help master academic content. This request would allow the purchase of 80 Kindles (10 per class x 8 classes @ $40/each). The Randolph PTA is contributing $1600 to the total cost of the Kindle devices. This request was submitted on March 19, 2018. Granted partial amount requested: $800. 

Kenmore Middle School/$2267.16/Four Mile Run Watershed Protection Group/March 19, 2018 

Kenmore Middle School is asking for $2667.16 to fund five student-led proposals to address water pollution in Four Mile Run and trash at Bluemont Park near the school. Sixth-grade students tested the water at Four Mile Run and devised solutions to the fecal coliform bacteria pollution and the litter they saw in and around Bluemont Park. They researched and wrote proposals and would like to receive funding to implement their plans by planting trees, bushes and other plants; installing doggie-bag dispensers and collecting bags to fill them; decorating and distributing rain barrels with an elementary school art contest; and picking up trash at Kenmore and Bluemont Park. These projects include many science and language arts goals and most of the students have never participated in a community project before. The students plan to form a school club around these projects and have recruited additional students and a teacher who will sponsor the club. Kenmore has teachers who will donate small plants from their own gardens and they have reached out to community organizations that might also make plant donations. This request was submitted on March 19, 2018. Granted partial amount requested: $1647. 

Fall 2017 Applications

School(s)/Amount Requested/Purpose/Date Submitted 

Wakefield High School/$1500/Visiting Author/November 20, 2017 

Wakefield High School is asking for $1500 to host a visiting author and student talks for Mexican Whiteboy. The author visits boost literacy at Wakefield. This event is similar to last year’s, in which several classes read the same book and discuss it with the author and in their classes. This is also a Community Read project in collaboration with Yorktown and Washington-Lee High Schools. The goal is to introduce students to race topics and identity and the book selection is one many Wakefield students will identify with. The event also involves the larger Arlington community in a conversation with our youth. The request will go towards the author visit fee for two days, travel, room, and meals, and transportation among the schools and the hotel. Yorktown is contributing $1800-2000, $500 is already budgeted in Wakefield’s budget, and APS Library Services, Arlington Central Library, and WashingtonLee are also contributing. This request was submitted on November 20, 2017. Granted full amount requested: $1500. 

SEPTA Reed School/$1000/Books for Preschoolers/November 20, 2017 

SEPTA’s Child Find Program at Reed School is asking for $1000 for developmentally appropriate books to provide to low income children at Student Study meetings when families report not having many resources available. The goal is to target the achievement gap early by providing parents and caregivers developmentally appropriate books in English or Spanish, as appropriate. Ms. Odom, a school psychologist on the Child Find team reported in 2016 in an effort to reduce the achievement gap among children across Arlington County, she wanted to promote early literacy skills through the Child Find program. The grant request was initially made to achieve this by distributing developmentally appropriate books during meetings with parents and include information regarding early reading milestones, the importance of reading, and reading tips for parents. SEPTA is contributing $500 to purchase developmentally appropriate toys to supplement this effort. This request was submitted on November 20, 2017. Granted full amount requested: $1000. 

Abingdon Elementary School/$1000/Field Trip Scholarships/November 20, 2017 

Abingdon Elementary School is asking for $1000 for field trip scholarships for a fourth grade trip to Jamestown Settlement. The fourth grade field trip helps reinforce fourth grade social studies SOL curriculum by allowing students to learn in action while touring the settlement. The cost for the field trip is approximately $50 per student and parent, so the requested $1000 would fund 20 scholarships. It is the intent for every fourth grade student to go on the trip (there are approximately 107 fourth graders this year) and hope to have a diverse group of parent chaperones as well. The Abingdon PTA has budgeted $500 for scholarships. The fourth grade plans to hold a bake sale and a restaurant spirit night to raise additional funds for scholarships. Parents of fourth grade students will also be asked to donate additional money to help fund scholarships. This request was submitted on November 20, 2017. Granted full amount requested: $1000. 

Randolph Elementary School/$1000/Books for Classroom Libraries/November 16, 2017 

Randolph Elementary School is asking for $1000 for developing classroom libraries with high interest low readability books to provide choice in book selection, enhance motivation, increase independence for struggling readers and second language students. The goal is for each Randolph student to become a strategic reader and critical thinker. By increasing book selection and availability, children have the opportunity for more frequent book contact. Increasing the amount of time students spend reading high interest books consistently accelerates their growth in reading skills. Also, teachers can promote better reading performance by having students interact with books through the extensive use of classroom libraries. With ample classroom texts, teachers guide students to develop proficient literacy skills. Books will be purchased from High Noon Books. This request was submitted on November 16, 2017. Granted full amount requested: $1000. 

Thomas Jefferson Middle School/$2290/Books for Spring Break and Readathon/November 20, 2017 

Thomas Jefferson Middle School is asking for $2290 for books to distribute to all of its students to support literacy by ensuring that every student, regardless of economic status, will be able to choose a new book on a topic that interests them to read over spring break. With teacher input, books will be chosen at several reading levels that include characters that represent the school’s diverse population, including some in Spanish. To support TJ’s literacy initiatives, the book give away will occur at the end of March, Literacy Month, before spring break and in conjunction with a Used Book Sale and Readathon to encourage students to read over break. The request is to cover 1000 books at $2.29/book and is a new initiative at the school. This request was submitted on November 20, 2017. Granted full amount requested: $2290. 

Barrett Elementary School/$1000/Poetry Slam/November 20, 2017 

Barrett Elementary School is asking for $1000 for a fifth grade poetry slam event to expand the students’ knowledge and acceptance of poetry and the written word. The poetry slam will expand the students’ acceptance of poetry and each other as they read their poems and listen to their classmates. It is an opportunity for the students to express themselves and get assistance from teachers and poets to improve their poetry and how they express themselves. Professional poets will also present their poetry and judge the students’ poetry. The Barrett PTA is contributing $1000 to pay the professional poets who will attend. This grant will cover the remaining $1000 of those costs. This request was submitted on November 20, 2017. Granted full amount requested: $1000. 

Spring 2017 Applications

School(s)/Amount Requested/Purpose/Dated Submitted 

New Directions Alternative High School/$2280/Character Camp (Field Trip May 30-31)/Mar. 6, 2017 

New Directions Alternative High School (NDAHS) is asking for $2280 to take 25 high school students and five teachers to “Character Camp” for two days and one night. NDAHS is a program for APS students who are court involved and report to probation officers. NDAHS works with those students to help them get back on track academically and behaviorally. The camp NDAHS would take the students to is near Penn State and has no phone service – NDAHS believes a weekend away with no access to social media or phone calls will help the students work on character traits and positive relationships. NDAHS is asking for $20 from each of the students and teachers to help defray the costs. The CPCI funds would cover food, lodging, activities, and transportation. NDAHS does not have extra funding for this type of activity. Philip Bonar, an Administrator at NDAHS, submitted this request on March 6, 2017. 

Carlin Springs ES/$418/School Butterfly Garden Materials/March 14 , 2017 

Carlin Springs is asking for $418 to support environmental and science literacy for pre-K and summer students at Carlin Springs. Pre-K students will create a garden space at Carlin Springs with flowers and caterpillar host plants needed to support the lifecycles of a variety of butterflies. The hands-on gardening and follow-up activities such as sorting and measuring will help increase the students’ language and observational skills, fine motor skills, and math and science skills. The Pre-K students will grow the plants for the garden beds; students in the summer school program will help care for the garden. Yearly maintenance of the garden will include help from parents and volunteers during the school’s twice annual gardening days. In addition to being a yearly educational activity, the butterfly garden area will help beautiful a back entrance of the school where the Pre-K learning annexes are located, allowing the students to take pride in creating a beautiful space for themselves and other living things. The request will go towards two split rail fences ($100), plastic storage bin and tools ($138), two planter boxes ($52), three butterfly bushes ($60), and soil ($68).This request was submitted on March 14, 2017. 

Randolph ES/$2,000/School Landscaping and Beautification Project/Mar. 16, 2017 

Randolph is asking for $2000 for a landscaping/beautification and community engagement project at the school. Randolph’s split-rail fence was hit by a car during a snowstorm in winter 2016 and has never been replaced. Randolph wants to replace the fence or install a low brick wall there, and plant additional trees, shrubs, and plants, to increase the curb appeal of the school and reduce the problem of mulch constantly spilling onto the sidewalks. Randolph has the opportunity for a free landscaping consultation, and is hoping to raise $5,000 or more from a combination of sources, include its PTA, the Douglas Park Civic Association, and individual donors. Randolph envisions the project as stretching over a 6-8 month period (through fall 2017). The community engagement aspect of the project aims to bring more families into the planning and execution of the work, and to turn the school’s spring and fall "clean up" days into larger school events. This request was submitted on March 16, 2017. 

Gunston Middle School/$1000/Literacy Efforts for HILT Students/Mar. 20, 2017 

Gunston is asking for $1000 to support additional English proficiency programs and materials for its HILT/ELL students. Gunston MS has the largest HILT/ELL middle school student population with over 130 HILT students. Gunston would use the funds to subscribe to online programs, books, games, apps, and hands-on activities to help its HILT students accelerate their English learning skills. Gunston itemized its costs as follows: Universal Arts ESL Card and Learning Package 263.58 x 2 = $527.16 | ESL Online Learning (App store) $20 x 10 = $200 | Additional support $250. Gunston submitted its CPCI application on March 20, 2017. 

Fall 2016 Applications

School(s)/Amount Requested/Purpose/Dated Submitted

Barrett ES/$1200/Field Trip/Nov. 2, 2016 

Barrett ES has asked for $1200 to take 75 second graders to the “Science Center” (I assume that means the Maryland Science Center at the Inner Harbor in Baltimore). The bus costs $400 and the entrance fee is $810 ($10 per student plus some chaperones). Barrett is a Title I school. Barrett indicates that students have taken this field trip in the past, but costs have become “prohibitive.” Barrett does not indicate whether it has attempted to get funds from any other source. Barrett submitted this request on November 2, 2016. Granted full amount requested: $1200. 

TJMS, Drew ES, Randolph ES/$495/Field Trip/Nov. 9, 2016 

Stephanie Smith, the Minority Achievement Coordinator for Drew Model ES and Randolph ES, has requested transportation funds in the amount of $495 (for two buses at $55/hour for 4.5 hours) to take students and their families from Drew, Randolph, and Thomas Jefferson MS to the National Museum of African American History and Culture on Wed., January 11th. The plan is to have the elementary students share their experiences in a schoolwide video during Black History Month. At the middle school level, students will deliver morning announcements on little known facts about African Americans during Black History Month using information gathered from the visit. This request was submitted on Nov. 9, 2016. Granted full amount requested: $495. 2018 Update: Request cancelled as trip was paid by APS in January of 2018 

Drew ES/$10,000/Field Trip/Nov.16, 2016 

The gifted teacher at Drew Model Elementary wants to take about 20 fourth and fifth graders from its Montessori program to attend the Montessori Model UN (MMUN) Conference in New York City from March 8-11, 2017; fees to attend the conference and secure hotel reservations are due January 17, 2017. According to the budget attached to the grant proposal, the total cost will be about $15,000; Drew has raised about $4000 so far for the trip, and has asked the CCPTA for $10,000 to fund much of the rest of the trip. Drew initially submitted this request on November 16, 2016, and then resubmitted it on December 2, 2106. Granted partial amount of $2300, contingent on the trip being taken this school year. 

The following three grant requests were initially made to SEPTA (Special Ed PTA) in October 2016. SEPTA was not able to fund these requests out of its mini-grant program, and therefore passed them on to the CCPTA in November 2016. 

Kenmore MS/$375/Equipment/October 2016 through SEPTA 

A math teacher at Kenmore Middle School has asked for $375 for a Hands-On Equations Math Lab set, which will be used for students in Kenmore’s Math 8 class. This class includes students with disabilities, English language learners, and general education students whose math skills are below proficient. Students will use tangible game pieces and a balance scale to solve algebraic linear equations. The use of manipulatives will help students grasp abstract concepts through concrete experiences. Granted full amount requested: $375. 

Reed “Child Find” Program/$500/Books/October 2016 through SEPTA 

A grant request has been made by an APS school psychologist for $500 to buy developmentally appropriate books for children ages two to five to distribute during meetings with parents, as part of the “Child Find” program, which is based at the Reed Building. “Child Find” is an Arlington program which identifies children with suspected developmental delays for consideration for special education services. In addition to the books, staff would also distribute information regarding the importance of reading with children. This request is modeled on a successful, similar program called “Reach Out Read,” which distributes books during well child visits at pediatrician offices. Granted full amount requested: $500. 

Drew ES/$6000/Equipment/October 2016 through SEPTA 

Drew’s PTA has requested funds for two interactive 77 inch Smart Boards with projectors for two special ed preschool classrooms at Drew, costing approximately $3000 each. The Special Ed teachers in these classrooms believe that having a Smart Board would enable them to create engaging and motivating activities for their students, many of whom require visual supports throughout the day. DMS is a Title I school; the students in these classrooms are two and three year olds with special needs. According to the grant application, DMS has no extra Smart Boards or funds available to purchase them. SEPTA did give Drew a $275 grant towards one board. Granted partial amount requested: $2905 (which, together with SEPTA’s $250 grant, covers the cost of one smart board plus installation). 2018 Update: Request cancelled, procurement addressed by APS.